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How technology has transformed our home

The surge in technology has deeply transformed many areas of our lives, including one of the most routine and mundane tasks: home cleaning. According to a report from Roborock, 18% of Spaniards claim that they spend more time on household chores than before the pandemic. This increase in cleaning time can be partly attributed to the growing adoption of smart devices that make these tasks easier and more efficient.

The smart home market is booming. A study by IDC, sponsored by Roborock, predicts that the global smart home market volume will exceed 1 billion by 2027. This figure highlights the growing importance of technology in the household. In Spain, 73% of households already have at least one connected device, according to 2020 data from Statista.

The technology has revolutionized home cleaning in many ways, starting with the evolution of vacuum cleaners. Since the 19th century, vacuum cleaners have been a fundamental element in home cleaning, but the first models were bulky and dependent on a plug to operate. The first cordless vacuum cleaner hit the market in 2002, allowing for greater autonomy and convenience. Today, robotic vacuum cleaners, equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI), sensors, and advanced algorithms, have completely transformed this task. These devices can map spaces and clean without human supervision, saving time and effort for users.

Another example of how technology has changed our way of cleaning is the evolution of the broom. Originating from time immemorial as a simple bundle of branches, the broom has advanced to become an essential cleaning tool in households. In the 19th century, the “flat” brooms we know today arrived. Currently, many brooms incorporate rechargeable batteries, eliminating the need for manual sweeping and simplifying the process of keeping the home clean.

The mop bucket has also seen several significant improvements over time. From simple water buckets to ergonomic models with automatic wringing systems and advanced filtration mechanisms, these innovations have made the cleaning process even easier. These advancements allow families to achieve optimal results with less effort and time invested.

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of disinfection at home. Since 2020, disinfectants have become indispensable in Spanish households. Sales of products like bleach and multipurpose cleaners have increased considerably, reflecting a greater awareness of the need to maintain a clean and safe environment. In Spain, these sales grew by 4%, surpassing 2.3 billion euros, while exports increased by 16%, reaching 600 million euros. This rise highlights citizens’ concerns about keeping their homes free from bacteria and preventing a catastrophe similar to the pandemic.

In this context, robotic vacuum cleaners have become essential devices for many households. These devices not only help maintain cleanliness more efficiently but also improve health by ensuring an environment free from bacteria. The ability to customize the cleaning experience and schedule routines makes these devices a very attractive option for those looking to optimize their time and effort in household chores.

The future of home cleaning looks promising with the continuing adoption of smart devices and the ongoing evolution of technologies like AI and the Internet of Things (IoT). The IDC report emphasizes that the smart home market will continue to expand, exceeding 1 billion devices by 2027. This trend reflects the importance of technological innovation in the home and its ability to transform our daily routines.

Technology has revolutionized our way of cleaning, making tasks that once required a lot of time and effort easier and more efficient. From the evolution of vacuum cleaners and brooms to the innovation in mop buckets and the growing importance of disinfection, technological advancements have significantly improved our domestic lives. With a constantly growing smart home market, it is clear that technology will continue to play a crucial role in enhancing our quality of life and creating cleaner and safer environments.

via: Decoración 2.0, decoration news in Spanish

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