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Young architects explore ceramics and architecture at ETSAM with APE Group

A group of 30 young architects will design the garden of “La Rosaleda” at the facilities of the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid.

From September 30 to October 4, a selected group of 30 young architects from all over Spain will participate in an intensive architecture project workshop at the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM), an activity promoted by APE Grupo with the goal of bringing ceramic knowledge closer to the future building professionals.

During the workshop, known as “The Rosaleda Gallery. Architecture and Ceramics”, the students will have the opportunity to explore the richness of ceramic materials in architectural creation, seeking to take full advantage of their technical and expressive potential.

The course, directed by ETSAM architects Jesús Aparicio and Héctor Fernández Elorza, aims at developing new proposals for a relaxation pavilion for students and teachers in the garden of La Rosaleda, a green space open in the environment of the same faculty building.

The workshop will feature lectures and project revisions and evaluations by internationally renowned architects. Guest architects for the course include Giancarlo Floridi (Onsitestudio, Milan), Ricardo Bak Gordon (Bak Gordon Architects, Lisbon), Íñigo García Odiaga (Vaumm architects, San Sebastián), and Carmen Moreno and Juan Domingo Santos (Granda).

ETSAM architects Alberto Campo Baeza, Emilio Tuñón, María José Aranguren, Ignacio Vicens, and José Antonio Ramos will also participate in the juries and evaluations of the works alongside the guest architects.

The course project focuses on designing a “Resting Pavilion” for students and teachers in the gardens of the Architecture School’s building, a project that started in 1927 with the intention of modernizing the Spanish university. The architectural project was directed by Modesto López Otero, who commissioned the construction of the new School of Architecture to architect Pascual Bravo. The building was finished in July 1936, when the Civil War broke out, suffering numerous damages. After the end of the conflict, the rebuilt School of Architecture reopened in 1943.

The designs created by the participants will be exhibited in the spaces of the School of Architecture. The group of participants will consist of 10 ETSAM students, 10 from other universities in Madrid, and 10 from other cities. Registration is free and places are limited. Candidates have been rigorously selected by the course’s direction team, and additionally, ETSAM students will receive 3 ECTS credits for their participation.

University of architecture professors Jesús Donaire, Alejandro Vírseda, César Jiménez de Tejada, Carlos García, Jaime Daroca, Jaime Ramos Alderete, and Jesús Aparicio Alfaro will also participate in the course.

This action is part of a set of initiatives aimed at providing an advanced outlook between the professional world and contemporary ceramics by APE Grupo. With this project workshop, the firm from Castellón takes another step forward in its commitment to strengthen ties with architecture and interior design professionals.

In 2023, APE Grupo launched the APE Grupo Architectural Awards for architects and interior designers worldwide, as well as the cycle of architecture lectures known as the Ágora Inspiring Talks. Notably, the annual study on trends in interior spaces known as The New Habitat, a project of great magnitude and recognized by all professionals, is conducted.

via: Decoración 2.0, decoration news in Spanish

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