
25 creative sculptures around the world

In every town and city we can find Works of art. You don’t have to go to a museum or pay a ticket to see some of them. In this case, we are going to bring here some sculptures that have caught our attention thanks to their creativity.

Every time we visit a new place, we tend to observe all the monuments in their streets. In the world there are a lot of different things that deserve our attention and these sculptures deserve it. They create amazing images that are really impressive.

If you want to see them, just keep reading!

Texas, EEUU


New York, EEUU
Warsaw, Poland
Portland, EEUU
Budapest, Hungary
New York, EEUU
Philadelphia, EEUU
Klaipeda, Lituania
Marseilles, France
South Africa
Brussels, Belgium
Dallas, Texas, EEUU
London, England
Taipei, Taiwan
Melbourne, Australia
Amsterdam, The Nederlands
Bratislava, Slovakia
Onesti, Romania
Eceabat, Turkey
Prague, Czech Republic
Grangemouth, UK
Adelaida, Australia
Reykjavik, Iceland
Oxford, EEUU

Hope you enjoyed the article.

Via: Dominio Mundial

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