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7 Tips to Create a Cozy Winter Home

As the temperatures drop, it’s time to prepare our home to turn it into a warm refuge. To achieve this goal, heating has become our great ally, although to reach the maximum level of comfort, certain aspects must be taken into account such as the type of home, the number of people living in it, or its level of thermal insulation.

In addition to all this, there are certain practices that can be very useful to achieve that desired warmth during the winter months. Let’s see some tips to ensure that the temperature in our house ranges between 21 and 23 degrees during the day and 17 at night, which is considered the ideal temperature.

  1. Adjust the thermostats, optimize the use of heating by adjusting and programming the thermostats, so that they adapt to your daily routines and thus avoid energy waste. Closing the doors of certain rooms can also help to prevent cold air from spreading throughout the house.
  2. Have good insulation, a significant part of the heat loss, or rather, the passage of cold air indoors, is due to poor insulation of the doors or windows of the home. Insulating ceilings, floors, and walls is the key to avoiding such heat leaks by up to 25%, which also represents significant savings in both the bill and energy.
  3. Let sunlight in, open the curtains and blinds during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your home. This simple action not only provides heat at no cost, but can also improve your mood and decrease the need for using heating.
  4. Lower the blinds at night, if you do not have proper thermal insulation, closing the blinds and curtains at night can help retain the heat accumulated during the day and minimize heat loss.
  5. Use rugs on the floor, using rugs not only provides an additional layer of insulation on the floor, but also adds a decorative and cozy touch to any space in your home. This dual purpose makes them an essential decorative element in the colder months.
  6. All about warmth, opting for warm colors in your home decor, along with soft lighting and textures, contribute to creating a cozier atmosphere. Soft light lamps and textiles such as pillows or blankets will generate a more welcoming atmosphere.
  7. Wear the right clothing, opting to wear multiple layers of clothing, warm garments, and slippers around the house will allow you to maintain a sense of well-being without the need to rely on maximum heating.

In addition to these tips, practices such as keeping radiators unobstructed, using adjustable thermostats, and bleeding radiators are small actions that can also significantly contribute to saving on the electricity and gas bill.

Achieving an optimal temperature in the home not only improves well-being, but also contributes to reducing environmental impact and energy expenditure. By implementing these tips, homes can enjoy a comfortable and efficient environment, benefiting both their residents and the environment.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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