Advancing towards a truly circular economy involves generating less waste by extending the lifespan of our products and reusing those we already have. With this vision, Circulight is born, the innovative Technological Updating Service of Lamp, a leading company dedicated to the design and production of advanced technical lighting. This service aims to transform the lighting industry by promoting the renovation and technological updating of luminaires installed in buildings or other facilities.
“Through this new service,” comments David Testar, Lamp’s Director of Operations and member of the sustainability committee, “we achieve an increase in the lifespan of luminaires, by extending their use phase through the prism of Life Cycle Analysis, providing more resilient lighting solutions.” The updating of lighting technology is faster, less noisy, and cleaner than uninstalling and installing new lighting systems. Installation times are reduced by 20-30%, and the lighting quality and user well-being are improved by incorporating the latest technological advances.
Among its main benefits, this new technological updating service results in an economic saving of between 15-30% compared to the purchase and installation of new luminaires, as well as an improvement in energy efficiency, saving over 50% in costs. In terms of sustainability, the environmental footprint of the building is minimized by avoiding waste generation and reducing CO2 emissions, both through energy consumption reduction and the reuse and updating of the installed product.
The scope and process of this new Lamp service includes evaluation, diagnosis, and proposal of optimal solution for the client; updating and maintenance, installation, commissioning, and certification. Each updating service would address the following milestones and phases:
Phase I: Evaluation and diagnosis
- 01 Audit and initial diagnosis of the current state of the installation
- 02 Viability project and environmental impact consultancy
Phase II: Updating and maintenance
- 03 Recovery of installed luminaires
- 04 Technical diagnosis to assess and define the intervention to be carried out
- 05 Maintenance and cleaning works
- 06 Development and manufacturing of Plug&Play modules (In-situ / In-House)
- 07 Quality testing, electrical and mechanical tests in the laboratory
- 08 Warranty extension certification
Phase III: Installation, commissioning, and certification
- 09 Delivery of materials and management of generated waste “in house”
- 10 Turnkey service (installation and commissioning)
“From our continuous concern to make the lighting industry more sustainable and positive for the environment; from our understanding of lighting as a fundamental element for the improvement of people’s well-being, and from our clear commitment to innovation projects, understanding this as a systemic and systematic process of our value chain. From all this comes Circulight, this new service that fits into our key strategic lines and in which we put all our dedication and effort, all our commitment and work,” concludes Ignasi Cusidó, Lamp’s CEO.
Source: in Spanish