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Five-month Intensive Training on Arthropods and the Culex Mosquito at UCM

The study of arthropods as vectors of diseases has become a priority in the field of public health, especially in a world facing increasing challenges due to globalization and climate change. In this sense, the Complutense University of Madrid has announced the creation of a new University Diploma in Arthropods of Health Interest. The program will start on January 31 and will run for five months.

The diploma is primarily designed for professionals and students in Biological and Health Sciences, although anyone interested can apply for admission. The course structure combines theory, laboratory practices, and visits to relevant facilities, allowing participants to delve into the study of arthropods and mites that affect human and animal health.

Arthropods such as mosquitoes, bed bugs, and ticks are considered of great health interest due to their ability to transmit diseases and provoke allergic reactions. With this training, professionals will be equipped with the necessary tools to prevent and control the proliferation of these species, addressing crucial topics such as health entomology, arthropod control techniques, and disease transmission mechanisms.

The initiative will have the collaboration of experts from various fields, including entomologists, doctors, and specialists in viral diseases, offering a multidisciplinary perspective. Rubén Bueno Marí, director of Rentokil Initial’s European center for vector control and future course instructor, emphasized the need for highly qualified professionals to face the challenges posed by vector-borne diseases. This educational approach aims to prepare future experts to deal with diseases such as West Nile Virus and dengue, which have posed significant challenges in Spain in recent years.

In addition to theoretical and practical contents, students will have the opportunity to visit Rentokil Initial facilities. During these visits, they will learn about the tools and vector control methods used in the country. This collaboration between the Complutense University of Madrid and Rentokil Initial represents an important step towards improving education in an essential field for public health, adapting to emerging demands in the healthcare sector.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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