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Isabel Rodríguez visits the construction works of the Betanzos Market included in the local PIREP Plan of the Recovery Plan.

The Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, Isabel Rodríguez, visited on Thursday the ongoing works at the Abastos Market in Betanzos. These works are part of the Local Public Building Rehabilitation Program (PIREP) and have an investment of 1,482,081 euros. This project will not only improve the market facilities, respecting its architectural value and its use as a municipal market, but will also add a space for hospitality, making the Abastos Market a tourist attraction and job creator in Betanzos.

In addition, the minister visited the area where 40 homes in the center of Betanzos will be rehabilitated, with a funding of 700,000 euros from the Spanish Government. This project is part of the residential environment rehabilitation program of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda and aims to improve energy efficiency and comfort of the homes.

The PIREP is divided into two lines of action: at the local and regional levels. Since 2022, the Spanish Government has allocated a total of 76,143,534 euros to Galicia through this program. Of this amount, 48,812,334 euros have been allocated to Galician municipalities for 49 interventions, and 27,33.200 euros have been allocated to the regional government for 33 interventions. Since the extension to apply for PIREP Local funding, announced in June by the minister, 10 Galician municipalities have joined this initiative.

The Government’s investments in Galicia are not limited to these projects. Since 2018, a total of 526,010,127 euros have been committed to housing through various programs, including the Young Rent Bonus, programs of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PRTR), and the State Housing Plan (PEV). Up to now, the Autonomous Community of Galicia has received 467,926,149 euros, representing 89% of the total committed. In addition, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda will promote more than 1,400 affordable rental homes and rehabilitate a total of 18,000 homes.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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