If you’re lucky enough to have a garden in your house, even if it’s a small garden on your terrace, you probably have some plants that brighten up your day every time you go out. But have you ever thought about including trees? In the case of a garden, you can put one, two, or as many as you want based on the space you have. If your ‘garden’ is your terrace or balcony, you can also add a dwarf tree. But, what are the best low-maintenance trees for your garden?
If you want to know them and be sure they won’t give you any extra trouble in their care, take note of this list we have prepared for you with the aim of selecting the ones you like knowing that they will give you very little work. Shall we start?

This is one of the most beautiful low-maintenance trees, especially because it has blooms in blue and lilac tones. It is a tree that loves the sun and doesn’t need you to be very attentive to it all the time. It can reach heights of 12-15 meters if you let it, although it will depend on the space you give it to grow more or less.
However, we must warn you that, due to the nature of the flowers, it tends to attract bees, wasps, and butterflies. If you don’t have a problem with that, go ahead because it will be a very beautiful sight. And before you say it, yes, you may have to sweep a bit in summer or autumn to remove the flower petals from the garden.
Another low-maintenance tree for the garden is the mulberry. We can tell you that you can have it at whatever size you want, which also means it will work for a balcony or terrace.
Its main characteristic is its resistance and vigorous growth. If you leave it in a large garden, it will grow quite a bit and, best of all, you will get good shade from it. Additionally, as its name suggests, we are talking about a mulberry tree, so you will also enjoy a fruit that you may love (especially because it will be more natural than what you buy at the supermarket).
Cercis siliquastrum (Judas tree)
And what about a tree considered the “tree of love”? That’s what this tree is called because its leaves grow in the shape of a heart. Without a doubt, if you’re romantic, this is one of the low-maintenance trees that will enchant you and that you will want to have, no matter what, in your garden or even on the terrace. Furthermore, if that doesn’t convince you in itself, know that it blooms with very abundant pink flowers that make the whole tree look pink.
In fact, this species is quite resistant and adapts to different environments, so if you want a tree that also decorates, this is one of the best. And again yes, you can also have it on the balcony or terrace without any problem.
You might not know it by this name, but if we say “mimosa”, things may change. The most beautiful thing about this tree is the foliage it offers and the flowering that will appear in summer and early autumn, with an incredible aroma.
As for care, it doesn’t ask for much, like all the low-maintenance trees we have talked about, and it is ideal for medium and small gardens, especially because you will have a little shade around it.
Another low-maintenance tree is the loquat, which besides being a beautiful tree throughout the year (as it is evergreen), will give you fruits and flowers. So you can enjoy a sweet fruit freshly picked from the tree.
First, you should know that loquat is cold-resistant and very easy to care for. However, when they are small (seedlings) they will need you to be a little more attentive to them. But once they adapt, they will start to grow without any problem and give you fruits. You could even reproduce them from the fruits and have several trees.
It can reach heights of 10 meters, but you can also have a tree a couple of meters tall in a pot (or in the ground). So, as long as you control it, there won’t be any problem in having it in the garden, terrace, or balcony.
Mediterranean laurel
We continue with the low-maintenance trees for the garden and add the laurel. It is one of the trees that needs the least care and, in return for practically nothing, will give you a dark green and very fragrant foliage.
You can use the leaves in the kitchen, making it practical. In addition to beautifying your garden or terrace, you will have an additional ingredient for many of your dishes.
Maple, one of the most beautiful low-maintenance trees
And we end with another low-maintenance tree that has been trendy for gardens in recent years. In principle, there are many maple trees, in many color tones in their leaves. But in addition, changing color in autumn, with the sun, etc. makes many look for it to add a color show to the garden.
These trees are said to grow rapidly, but in those cases they do need more care than if you leave them alone to determine how to proceed. When they are small, they have limited resistance to cold, and even more to heat. So be careful with that, especially if you live in an area where summers are like hell.
Can you think of more low-maintenance trees? Olive trees, cypress trees, or lagerstroemia are other examples we can give you. Which one will you choose?
via: MiMub in Spanish