In a world where speed and accuracy are key, generative artificial intelligence is drastically changing access to and management of data in the healthcare sector. Organizations, faced with a deluge of data stored in complex relational database management systems, are starting to see the light thanks to innovative large-scale language models (LLMs). These models have been instrumental in turning natural language queries into SQL queries, a process that is transforming data analysis, making it more accessible and faster, even for those without advanced technical skills.
Merck & Co., Inc., globally recognized as MSD, has taken the lead in this technological revolution by closely collaborating with Amazon’s AI Generation Innovation Center, known as GenAIIC. Together, they have developed a solution that combines natural language with SQL text, addressing the challenge of data access in the healthcare sector. Previously, the process of creating SQL queries was tedious and lengthy, limiting efficiency and delaying critical data-driven decisions. With the implementation of this technology, a simple question like “How many female patients were admitted to a hospital in 2008?” automatically translates into a precise SQL query, drastically reducing execution time.
This innovation not only saves time but democratizes access to data within the organization, allowing all staff, even those without technical training, to quickly access crucial information. Agility in data access results in a noticeable improvement in productivity and the speed of informed decision-making.
To address the challenges of creating effective text-to-SQL workflow, it is crucial to provide models with the right information about databases to ensure that generated queries are accurate and relevant. The MSD solution, using the Anthropic’s Claude 3.5 Sonnet model through Amazon Bedrock, has been tested with the public DE-SynPUF dataset, which simulates a realistic healthcare data environment while respecting patient privacy.
The ability to transform data access in the healthcare sector is essential to maintain future competitiveness. The strategic application of generative artificial intelligence is the key to overcoming information bottlenecks and analyzing data with agility. This technology not only marks a milestone in technical progress but also significantly improves outcomes for patients and strengthens operational efficiency in the healthcare sector.
via: MiMub in Spanish