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New Innovations and Progress at Hospital del Mar

On July 24, 2024, it was announced that Dr. Marta Torrens, a recognized expert in addictions and Emeritus Director of the Mental Health Institute at Hospital del Mar, has been selected to be part of the scientific committee of the new European Union Agency on Drugs (EUDA). This agency, which emerges as the heir of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, will assume expanded functions and responsibilities in supervising policies related to substance use.

Dr. Torrens, who is also a researcher at the Hospital del Mar research institute, will play a crucial role in advising this agency for a period of four years. Her selection, announced on July 4, is a recognition of her long career in the field of mental health and addictions.

The scientific committee that Dr. Torrens joins has the important task of ensuring the scientific integrity of the EUDA. Their work will involve supporting the agency in its efforts to ensure that all its products and services maintain the highest scientific quality. Additionally, they will have a central role in implementing European legislation regarding the early warning system and the management of risks associated with new psychoactive substances.

The EUDA aims to offer a more robust approach to the challenges posed by drug consumption on the continent, delving more deeply into the complexities that arise from this social and health phenomenon. With the inclusion of experts like Dr. Torrens, it is expected that the new agency will be able to address these issues from a scientific and evidence-based perspective.

via: Hospital del Mar News

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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