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Redegal presents new document for initial access to BME Scaleup.

The new scenario for expanding companies, known as BME Scaleup, continues to attract the attention of promising companies looking to accelerate their growth through capital markets. Recently, the REDEGAL Group has become the twentieth company to register an Initial Access Document so far this year, meeting the necessary requirements for its inclusion, according to the evaluation of the Market Coordination and Listings Committee.

REDEGAL has been participating in the Pre-Market Environment since December 2021, a training and networking program designed by BME to prepare companies for this leap to the main market. Alongside eight additional companies, they have been approaching the opportunities and challenges offered by a growing market like this one.

With a strong presence in Spain and Mexico, REDEGAL specializes in developing online sales channels using technology and digital marketing. This focus has been essential for the company to align with the philosophy of BME Scaleup, which is geared towards early-stage companies with proven and scalable business models.

REDEGAL’s initial document for BME Scaleup is now available on the market’s website, allowing interested parties to explore the company details and its business model. In addition, the reference price of its shares will be revealed after the capital increase it plans to carry out, which will be communicated through an addendum to the Initial Incorporation Document.

For companies that join BME Scaleup, there is not only the option to receive the necessary funds to sustain and accelerate their growth, but also a series of additional benefits. This includes greater brand visibility, a wider and more diverse spectrum of investors, and the ability to attract new talent. This market presents itself as an attractive and accessible option for scaleups, SMEs, SOCIMIs, and family businesses, as it requires fewer requirements than other traditional capital markets.

The process of listing on BME Scaleup requires companies to be anonymous societies, have a board of directors, and present their audited annual accounts. Although it is not necessary to have a liquidity provider or a minimum free float, each company must be accompanied by a registered advisor. REDEGAL has appointed DCM Asesores, Dirección y Consultoría de Mercados, as its registered advisor, while GPM Gestión de Patrimonios Mobiliarios Sociedad de Valores will act as its liquidity provider.

With BME Scaleup consolidating as an essential platform for the growth of dynamic companies, it currently has 14 registered advisors and is shaping up to be a key element for those companies seeking consolidation in the financial markets.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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