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Revolutionizing Care at Hospital del Mar: Innovations and Recent Projects

Hospital del Mar has achieved a milestone in Spanish medicine by successfully performing the first uterine and ovarian transposition in the country, an innovative procedure aimed at preserving the fertility of women diagnosed with cancer in the pelvic area. This technique, known as uterine autotransplantation, involves an initial surgery to relocate the uterus and ovaries to a location where they will be safe from the harmful effects of treatments like radiotherapy. Subsequently, once cancer treatments are completed, a second operation is performed to return the organs to their natural position.

The intervention was carried out on a 36-year-old patient diagnosed with locally advanced rectal cancer. The first procedure took place in November 2023, while the second operation occurred in June 2024, coinciding with the resection of the rectal tumor. The use of robotic surgery in both procedures allowed for minimizing the surgical impact and ensuring the viability of the organs during treatment.

The team at Hospital del Mar has emphasized the importance of this technique, not only for its pioneering nature in the country, but also for the hope it gives to young patients who wish to become mothers in the future. Dr. Gemma Mancebo, head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, explained that the procedure allows for preserving the reproductive and sexual health of women facing a cancer diagnosis, thus avoiding infertility and early menopause, common problems stemming from pelvic radiotherapy.

Patients eligible for this intervention must have localized tumors that require radiotherapy, which could compromise their reproductive capacity. At Hospital del Mar, ovarian transposition was already offered for young women with cervical cancer, and now this option is extended to uterine transposition, in an effort to improve the care and quality of life of women diagnosed with gynecological conditions.

To ensure a comprehensive approach, the patient selection process involves the collaboration of multiple medical specialties, including Oncology and General Surgery. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that the patients’ needs and desires are taken into account, facilitating their treatment without delaying cancer control.

Hospital del Mar has also implemented a series of initiatives to improve care for women with gynecological cancer, including specific consultations for sexual rehabilitation and new chemotherapy techniques that complement conventional treatments. With these advancements, the hospital reaffirms its commitment to offering options that prioritize the health and well-being of its patients, in the face of difficulties that may arise from cancer treatments.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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