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Security strengthening in the North Sierra of Guadalajara by ADEL

This morning, at the headquarters of the rural development group ADEL Sierra Norte, located in Sigüenza, contracts were signed to strengthen security in the region of Guadalajara. The president of ADEL, María Jesús Merino, established agreements with the mayors of seven municipalities for the installation of two surveillance cameras in each town. The main objective of this action is to improve public safety in the Sierra Norte.

The event was attended by José Luis Escudero, delegate of the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha in Guadalajara, and Santos López Tabernero, delegate of Agriculture. The municipalities that will benefit from this initiative are Viana de Jadraque, Bustares, Hiendelaencina, Arbancón, Jirueque, Jadraque, and Sigüenza. Through this measure, 43,000 euros in public aid will be allocated, coming from the European LEADER funds, managed by the regional government, covering more than 60% of the cost of the requested surveillance cameras.

María Jesús Merino emphasized the relevance of this call to ensure tranquility in the region and expressed her intention to continue with the initiatives previously promoted by the Provincial Council. “We want to help so that all municipalities in the Sierra Norte can have this service,” she commented, while announcing a new round of aid for other town halls to access these security technologies.

The project adds to the 29 municipalities and 2 Entidades de Ámbito Territorial Inferior al Municipio (EATIM) that already operate with video surveillance systems. Surveillance devices have proven to be effective in solving crimes in the areas where they have been implemented.

José Luis Escudero emphasized the commitment of the regional government to the Sierra Norte, highlighting the constant collaboration with the Rural Development Groups. This partnership has not only improved security but also attracted new residents and entrepreneurs to rural areas. This effort has led to tangible results, such as population growth in municipalities like Sigüenza, which has experienced a positive migration balance in recent years.

The collaboration between ADEL, the Provincial Council, and other rural development entities aims to position Guadalajara as the safest province in Spain. The installation of cameras at strategic access points to villages is a crucial step in creating a safer and more welcoming environment for citizens.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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