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The Prado Museum Triumphs in the International Short Film Competition Museums in Short 2024.

The Prado Museum has received prestigious international recognition for its innovative approach in promoting its art collection. The institution has been awarded the audience prize in the international competition “Museums in Short 2024” for its video titled “El Prado en femenino” (The Prado in feminine). This competition aims to highlight the creativity and impact of short videos produced by museums around the world. This year, 40 museums from 20 different countries participated, competing in the promotion category with their best short films.

“El Prado en femenino” is a one-minute video that has captivated the audience, accumulating a total of 1,781 votes. This video project was conceived to highlight the crucial role played by women from European royal households in shaping the collections of the Prado Museum. The video prompts viewers to imagine what this iconic museum would be like without the acquisitions made by influential women such as Maria of Hungary or Christina of Sweden. These women were instrumental in acquiring masterpieces such as van der Weyden’s “Descent from the Cross” or Durer’s “Adam and Eve” panels.

The “Museums in Short” competition was initiated in 2012 as a collaboration between Fondazione Brescia Musei and Cinema Nuove Eden. Since then, it has become an important platform for promoting and showcasing museum videos globally. Recognizing the value of these productions, the competition encourages the use of audiovisual format as an effective means of increasing awareness and dissemination of cultural heritage.

This award not only recognizes the creative effort of the Prado Museum but also highlights the importance of revaluing the role of women in art and culture history. The initiative calls for a more inclusive and comprehensive narrative of our historical legacy, emphasizing the relevance of giving visibility to women’s contributions in the art world.

Referrer: MiMub in Spanish

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