Wallpaper is a superb option for renovating your house, that’s why we want to talk you about wallpapering tricks for making your walls look gorgeous. Thanks to the special designs available, you’ll be able to change your home decoration completely. Moreover, it’s not necessary that you wallpaper all your walls. If you wallpaper one wall and paint the rest of them, you’ll also achieve gorgeous results!
Wallpapering the walls is an interesting way of updating your home decoration. Any indoor space gains personality and style with wallpaper. It doesn’t matter if you place it in one wall or in all of them.
The key is choosing the design and the colours well and, of course, placing it properly. It’s not a difficult task, but if you’re going to do it yourself, you should know some wallpapering tricks that will save you time and efforts. Today, we’ll share with you some of those wallpapering tricks for making your walls look gorgeous.
How to wallpaper your walls easily
Even if it looks like wallpapering is a too arduous task, you’ll soon realise that it’s not. You just must be careful when glueing it so that it doesn’t crumple or create small bubbles. The best thing for achieving the perfect results is working as a team. If you can do it with another person, the task will be much better. Like this, one can handle the paper while the other one is glueing it.
Tips for choosing the perfect wallpaper
At the moment of choosing the type of paper, it may seem simple, but there are five different types of wallpaper: the traditional, the vinyl one, the one with relief, the one that looks like fabric and the one made with natural fibres.
In terms of resistance, the wallpaper which is more resistant is the one that looks like fabric but it’s not fabric. This is due to the vinyl layer which is nearly waterproof and, therefore, easy to clean. However, in order to wallpapering the bathroom or the kitchen, the better wallpaper is the vinyl one because you can clean it with soap and water.
What will you need?
The basics that you need to start are a brush for glueing, a roller and a cloth for smoothing the wallpaper (try to find a cloth that doesn’t leave fluff on the wallpaper). You will also need a cutter and a rule. There are some special kits available that include all the necessary tools. And, you can also need a ladder for reaching the highest zones.
You will also need to calculate how many rolls of wallpaper you’ll need for your space. For doing so, you can start measuring the wall you want to wallpaper and you should have into account that a standard roll is 5 squared metres. If the design is smooth, it will be easier because you just need to leave 5 cm the side of the ceiling and on the side of the floor. However, if it has a special design with drawings that you should join, it will be a bit more complicated. In this case, you need to glue the first piece of wallpaper and place without glueing the next piece to join the drawings. With this process, you can waste around 60 cm of each roll of wallpaper.
About the glue, you can buy one that is for preparing at home (the key is dissolving it very well so that there are no lumps left) or another one that is ready to use. The second one is easier to use and to apply, but it’s more expensive and doesn’t go a long way.
Wallpapering tricks for working as a professional
The first step is preparing the wall properly. If you already have wallpaper on your wall, you should take it off in the first place. If you place the new wallpaper over the old one, it will come unglued. A good idea is measuring and cutting all the sheets of wallpaper before glueing them. Like that, the process will be faster. Moreover, if you use traditional paper, it’s better that you glue the wall; while if it’s vinyl wallpaper, it’s better that you glue the paper.
Then, start glueing it on the top and start smoothing it with your hands from the inside to the outside of the sheet in order to avoid the bubbles. If bubbles appear anyway, you can make a tiny cut with the cutter and apply some glue with a small brush. Then, glue the paper and smooth it again.
When you start glueing the next sheet of wallpaper, have into account that they shouldn’t be superimposed. Glue them really close and go over with the roller so that the borders doesn’t unglue.
Following this wallpapering tricks, decorating your walls will be easier and the results will be quite professional. Are you in?
Via decoración 2.0