Have you ever though that your home is too small? I think almost everybody has, we all would prefer having one more bedroom or some more meters in its living-room. Today we are going to show you some tips to make you home look bigger.

If you live in a small flat, where the space is like gold, it is important that you make an effort to get the most out of the space. Maybe you don’t believe it but there is a huge difference if you know how to do it. That’s why you should follow some tips to do it, the one we bring here today.
The perfect distribution
A house distribution is always an important issue, but it is even more important when you have few meters. It is the thing that can make your decoration a success or a complete failure. Because of that, you need to take some time and think how you are going to distribute the different ambiences and where you prefer to put the furniture.
Think that it is very important that the distribution is as fluid as possible to avoid feeling overwhelmed. You should distribute the furniture so that there is as much free space as possible so that you can move as if you had a big house. One tip: put the bigger furniture close to the walls.
Partitions out
Partitions make the space look overwhelming, especially when space is a problem. Open spaces are a solution to make your place look bigger.
For that reason, if your house is not big, take all the partitions out, except the ones that are load-bearing walls. The key is communicating some rooms, like the living-room and the kitchen and put the same floor tiles so that it gives the sensation of continuity.
If you can’t take the partitions out, try to take some doors, the ones that are useless. You’ll get some meters and make your home look more ample.
Light colors, versatile furniture
This is a rule we all know. Light and brilliant colors in the walls will help you to make your home look bigger. On the contrary, intense and dark colors reduce the space, so it is better to avoid them.
When talking about light colors, my favorite one is white because it looks great in all spaces but we can also use beige, pastel colors or light grey. I also like the last one because it looks so elegant.
One tip: forget about color contrast because it makes places look smaller. It is better to choose colors of the same color gamut.
Apart from that, the furniture is one of your best friends when talking about a small house. Today we have on the market a lot of pieces of furniture that are made to have a lot of functions and in that way they can help you save some meters. For example, you can choose a table that has some storage space below or an extendible one. Another great idea is having storage space under your bed.
Besides, it is better not to put a lot of furniture. The best is using few and small pieces of furniture in light colors. Dark wood and big furniture are one of our worst enemies if we don’t have a lot of space.
Ideas to gain some meters
Decoration can also help you in this job. Light is very important so try to put light curtains. You can also use elements like mirrors that give a false illusion of a big place. If you put a mirror in front of a big window, you’ll have a lot of light and an awesome sensation.
Use even little spaces. Sometimes, with a small effort we can have an awesome result. For example, change your bathtub for a shower. It will be more practical and will look much bigger.
Source: Decoración 2.0