A hotel in Brussels gives you the opportunity to live in your favorite Pantone

In Brussels we can find the Pantone hotel, which offers a colorful experience for 179€ per night. You can make a reservation in a room of any of the seven color palettes that the hotel offers. Each color combination corresponds to an entire floor.

Opened in 2010 and designed by Michel Penneman and Olivier Hannaert, this hotel-boutique is an extension of the architectonic line Pantone Universe that includes daily and modest products like boxes or watches.

The color treatment is reduced to some details like the walls of the room, the quilts, the stools, the bathroom furniture and even the coffee cups. As a critic pointed out in TripAdvisor: “it feels like if you were inside a 12 years old kid’s colors box” and “there’s nothing better than cleaning yourself with bright orange toilet paper”

Colorful pajamas are not included so try to bring one in the same color of your bedroom.

Pantone pantone2 pantone3 pantone4 pantone5 pantone6 pantone7 pantone8 pantone9 pantone10 pantone11 pantone12

Via: Arquitectura ideal

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