Blanca Fernández, a gynecologist at Policlínica Gipuzkoa, has provided information on emergency contraception methods, highlighting the importance of their proper use. The specialist points out that NorLevo, known as the morning-after pill, should be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse and is available over the counter at pharmacies. This medication should not be considered a regular contraceptive method, but rather an emergency solution. According to the Contraception Survey in Spain 2022, 31.4% of Spanish women have used the morning-after pill, especially among those aged 20 to 39.
The gynecologist explains that there are two types of emergency contraceptives: oral pills and intrauterine devices (IUDs). Within oral pills, the two main options are NorLevo and ellaOne. NorLevo is more effective if taken within the first 12 hours, reaching a 98% effectiveness, although its effectiveness decreases to 60% by the third day. If more than 72 hours have passed, the recommended option is ellaOne, which can be taken up to five days after the incident and requires a prescription. The pregnancy rate with NorLevo is 2.6%, and with ellaOne, 2%.
As for intrauterine devices, both the copper IUD and the hormonal IUD can be effective up to the fifth day after contraceptive failure or unprotected intercourse. The insertion of these devices should be performed by a specialist and both have a pregnancy rate of less than 1%.
Blanca Fernández clarifies that oral pills work by delaying or inhibiting ovulation, thus preventing fertilization of the egg. IUDs, on the other hand, act at different levels: the copper IUD exerts a toxic effect within the uterus and on the egg and sperm, while the hormonal IUD influences the endometrium and alters ovulation.
Common side effects of the morning-after pill include headache, intermenstrual bleeding, abdominal pain, dizziness, and nausea. If vomiting occurs within three hours after ingestion, the dose should be repeated. In case of a delay of more than three weeks in menstruation, it is advisable to take a pregnancy test. Regarding fertility, the specialist assures that no future alterations have been demonstrated in the patient and that, if the method is not effective and a pregnancy occurs, it does not involve morphological alterations or a higher risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Source: MiMub in Spanish