Caceres hosts the surgeons of the future at the 35th iSMIT congress.

From September 26th to 28th, the Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center (CCMIJU) will host the 35th edition of the annual Congress of the International Society for Medical Innovation and Technology (iSMIT). This prominent international event will bring together over 100 experts and leaders from around the world to discuss topics of high scientific and social impact in Cáceres. “We have proposed disciplines that are hard to find in other medical community meetings,” explains Francisco Miguel Sánchez Margallo, scientific director of CCMIJU and president of the iSMIT 2024 congress, which include cell therapy, gene therapy, assisted reproduction, 3D printing, bioprinting, artificial intelligence in healthcare, and surgical robotics.

The main objective of the congress is to update the current situation of minimally invasive surgery and related emerging technologies. “We are experiencing an unprecedented technological revolution in the medical and surgical field, and the medical community cannot be left behind,” emphasizes Sánchez Margallo. “It is essential for professionals to stay up to date to improve the quality of life of patients.”

The congress will present an innovative program with more than 30 activities including lectures, workshops, and other initiatives. This variety will allow participants to not only listen to talks but also engage in practical workshops that will offer a more complete and enriching experience. “It is not the same to go to a congress to listen to a talk on bioprinting as to have the opportunity to participate in a practical workshop where they teach you how to handle a bioprinter,” emphasizes Juan A. Sánchez Margallo, senior researcher at CCMIJU and co-president of the iSMIT 2024 congress.

Practical workshops will be an unparalleled platform for the medical community to share experiences and open up new avenues of collaboration and work. In short, iSMIT 2024 will create a space for dialogue that is expected to have a significant impact on improving medical care and the quality of life of patients.

Among the highlighted activities are the “keynote lectures”, given by well-known figures in the medical field. Spanish Salvador Morales-Conde, a reference in laparoscopic and minimally invasive techniques, will open the congress with the lecture “Exploring the Unseen – a new trend in the future of Surgery.” Morales-Conde, head of the Surgery Service of the Virgen Macarena University Hospital in Seville and president-elect of the European Hernia Society (EHS), is a prominent figure in the international medical community.

Japanese Eiji Kanehira, specialized in advanced endoscopic surgery, will also stand out with his lecture “What did we see 40 years ago? -What pursuers of MIT should really seek after-“. Kanehira is the director of the Ageo Medical Group Endosurgery Academy and Medical Topia Soka, a community hospital that houses a top-level Endoscopic Surgery Center.

American Carlos L. Amato, director of Healthcare at Cannon Design and an expert in applying AI in the planning and design of hospital spaces, will offer the lecture “The Central Command Suite: Futureproofing next-generation surgical environments to embrace the Digital Operating Room”. The program is completed by fellow American Krishna Kandarpa, who will address “Engineering-Medicine Partnerships for Technology Development using AI for Cardiovascular & Oncological IR”. Kandarpa is the Director of Scientific Research and Strategic Direction at the US National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB).

This event promises to be a benchmark for minimally invasive surgery and surgical robotics, setting the path for the diagnosis and treatment of patients.

Referrer: MiMub in Spanish

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