The Virtual Office for Collegiate Assistance (OVAC) of the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Catalonia (COEC) has set a milestone in the digitization of this professional organization, allowing its members to manage procedures from anywhere and at any time. This platform has become an essential resource, especially in the current context after the pandemic, which has accelerated the need to adopt innovative and modern solutions.
Since its launch, the OVAC has enabled colleagues to carry out a wide range of online procedures, available 24 hours a day. One of the most prominent services is the collegiate registration process, which has been completely digitized, simplifying the submission of documents and allowing video conferences to resolve queries or hold meetings.
This initiative not only improves access to services, but also increases efficiency in managing procedures by significantly reducing waiting times. It also translates into time and resource savings for colleagues, contributing to sustainability by reducing the environmental impact associated with physical travel.
The COEC also plans to expand the functionalities of the OVAC, incorporating new procedures such as changes in status or resignations from the college. The development of these new functions will be carried out with strict security guarantees, using blockchain technology that ensures both identity authentication and the validity of the procedures performed.
Dr. German Pareja, president of the COEC, has stated that this tool is a demonstration of the college’s commitment to innovation and the continuous improvement of the services offered to its members. He emphasized the importance of adapting to current times through a more modern and efficient structure, in order to continue meeting the needs of dentists and stomatologists in Catalonia.
Source: MiMub in Spanish