A new approach to improving the performance of applications and websites is currently in development, thanks to an innovative proposal that will allow developers to manage the impact of embedded content. This advancement is particularly relevant in a digital context where performance optimization can be crucial for user experience.
The proposal aims to provide developers with tools that allow them to effectively control the performance of the content they integrate into their applications. This content, which often includes third-party iframes or components offered by other teams within the same organization, can lead to performance issues. This situation is particularly problematic when the embedded content was not designed to function in an integrated environment.
To address this challenge, two main objectives have been established: first, to enable developers to manage the impact of embedded content without the need to define very specific individual restrictions; and second, to provide information on when performance violations occur, thus facilitating the identification and improvement of the user experience affected by these issues.
The proposal suggests implementing new “DocumentPolicy” configurations, which would inform developers of possible performance management violations. These configurations would include basic policies designed to promote good web development practices, establish restrictions on script loading, limit system resource usage, and provide guidelines for controlling more complex JavaScript tasks.
Violations of these policies would be communicated through the “Reporting API,” providing developers with the necessary information to make informed decisions and mitigate issues. Additionally, it is suggested that browsing itself could automatically address these violations, for example, by avoiding rendering certain elements if they exceed predefined limits.
A practical example of this proposal could be an application that integrates a weather widget through an iframe. If the widget includes animations and videos that autoplay, this could negatively impact the overall performance of the application. To avoid this situation, the developer of the main application could apply the basic policy that limits oversized resources and ensures file compression.
The development of this initiative has garnered attention among industry experts, and it is expected to revolutionize the way embedded content is managed. The community is called upon to collaborate and provide feedback on this proposal, emphasizing the importance of active participation in improving digital tools and practices.
via: MiMub in Spanish