Five Tips to Prevent a Fire in Your Workplace

Fires are one of the most dangerous problems for offices, buildings, or homes. A fire can destroy everything in a matter of seconds. According to data from 2022, the last year with recorded data, there were more than 133,000 fires, of which more than 18,400 were inside buildings. Electrical problems were behind the majority of them.

To avoid these situations, and as we have read on the Social Networks portal, the company Intersafe has wanted to share five tips that can be very useful when it comes to preventing fires in your workplace.

1. Keep order and cleanliness in your workplace: The accumulation of materials, flammable residues, or dirt in the office constitute a fundamental risk for the generation of fires.
2. Avoid overloading power outlets: It is recommended not to overload outlets with numerous electronic devices connected to the socket at the same time. Try to anticipate their use and use the outlets in a staggered manner.
3. Do not manipulate connection points without consulting a qualified person. If you need more connection points, talk to your IT team.
4. When leaving, make sure not to leave any electrical appliances or lights on.
5. Clearly mark the emergency exits and make sure to train evacuation teams with the occupational health and safety department so that all personnel know how to act in case of fire.

What to do in case of fire?

Intersafe provides some simple guidelines for responding to a fire in the workplace:

1. First, stay calm. Leave the workplace in an orderly manner, with a brisk pace, but without running, heading towards the designated evacuation routes.
2. If you are near machinery in operation and have knowledge to use them, try to shut them down. If it poses any danger or you do not know how to handle them, it is best to head towards the exit and let the emergency services disconnect them.
3. Do not stop to collect your personal belongings. Do not risk your life and, in case of fire, simply follow the exit instructions of your supervisor or manager. Remember, you are not only risking your own life, but also the risk you pose to others trying to leave.
4. Remember to generally head towards the lower floors, and under no circumstances use the elevators.
5. Finally, if the exterior meeting point after leaving the building has not been fixed, try to find a safe place and move away from the fire. And remember, do not under any circumstances go back into the building until the emergency teams verify its safety.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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