Gaza: Epicenter of violence and key to peace in the Middle East.

The Secretary-General of the UN, António Guterres, warned on Friday about the imminent danger of the crisis in Gaza spreading throughout the region, urging the international community to act urgently to prevent a large-scale war. During an emergency session of the Security Council, Guterres stated that the military actions in Gaza are causing “unprecedented death and destruction” and emphasized that the situation could lead to an escalation of hostilities, even with the intervention of foreign powers.

In his speech, Guterres specifically referred to a recent Israeli army attack in Beirut, which was justified by the presence of the Hezbollah headquarters, and highlighted that Gaza remains the core of the current conflict. “We must avoid a regional war at all costs,” he emphasized, pointing out that the key to de-escalating violence lies in Palestinian territory.

Guterres advocates for a temporary ceasefire in Lebanon to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid and open the door to negotiations leading to lasting peace. He urgently called for a ceasefire, warning about the tragic consequences of prolonged negotiations that have characterized the conflict in Gaza.

Since the beginning of the conflict almost a year ago, following the Hamas attack that left 1,200 dead and over 200 hostages in Israel, more than 41,500 Palestinians have been killed as a result of the Israeli offensive, leading to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Guterres denounced the living conditions of the population, where half of the displaced are children surviving in miserable conditions with limited access to food, water, and medical care.

The UN chief also mentioned the violence in the West Bank, where Israeli forces have killed 700 Palestinians, while settlements are still being built and land appropriations are carried out. Guterres recalled that the occupation is considered illegal by the International Court of Justice and that Israel has an obligation to end it.

Additionally, he condemned the attacks and harassment of humanitarian workers, defending the work of the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees and demanding the protection of its personnel. He stressed that all parties involved must comply with their international obligations to protect civilians and humanitarian personnel.

Guterres concluded his remarks by demanding an immediate ceasefire and a renewed focus on political solutions that include an end to the occupation and the creation of a Palestinian state, highlighting that only then can the cycle of violence that has marked the lives of millions in the region be broken.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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