Heat Waves and Sustainability: How to Energy Optimize Your Business

The cost of using air conditioning can fluctuate significantly throughout the day, according to Selectra. As summer progresses, temperatures across Spain are rising, leading to intensive use of air conditioning and resulting in a spike in electricity prices during peak hours due to high demand and low renewable energy generation. This context presents a significant opportunity for hotels, restaurants, and other businesses to optimize their energy consumption and reduce costs.

During the hottest hours of the day, between 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM, the cost of using air conditioning can reach €1.49 daily on weekdays, dropping to €0.66 on weekends due to fluctuating electricity prices. To maximize savings, it is crucial to review and adjust electricity contracts.

A review and optimization of electricity contracts are recommended. Negotiating lower rates in the free market can offer more competitive prices, such as a rate of €0.10/kWh, significantly reducing the cost of air conditioning. Partnering with energy consultants can also be an effective measure to identify the best rate and consumption structure based on the specific needs of the business.

Furthermore, implementing energy efficiency measures is essential. Adjusting the air conditioning temperature between 24°C and 25°C allows for optimized energy consumption, as each degree lower can increase consumption by 8%. Supplementing air conditioning with fans, which have a much lower daily cost, and properly insulating spaces to keep them cool and reduce the load on the air conditioning system are also recommended.

Employee education and training play a crucial role as well. Training employees on how to efficiently use air conditioning and other energy-saving measures can promote a culture of energy efficiency within the business. Encouraging a mindset of saving among staff and incentivizing practices that reduce electricity consumption are also beneficial actions.

Technology can also be a great ally in consumption control. Implementing energy monitoring systems allows real-time energy consumption tracking, helping identify peaks and adjust air conditioning usage efficiently. Using automation technologies to schedule air conditioning and other energy systems ensures they are only used when necessary.

Recommended measures for businesses include:

– Keeping air conditioning between 24°C and 25°C
– Using fans and improving thermal insulation
– Reviewing electricity contracts to ensure lower rates
– Training staff in energy-saving practices

The benefits of adopting these measures are significant for hotels, restaurants, and other businesses. Firstly, operational costs will be reduced, especially during the summer months. Additionally, these practices improve the sustainability of the business, a factor increasingly valued by customers. Finally, maintaining a pleasant and consistent temperature enhances the customer experience, leading to higher levels of satisfaction and loyalty.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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