How to properly water the Moses basket so that it blooms non-stop in autumn.

The fall is a season that challenges many gardeners and plant lovers, as the weather conditions tend to be less favorable for the cultivation and maintenance of some species. However, those who own the plant known as Peace Lily, whose scientific name is Spathiphyllum, can enjoy its beautiful flowers even during this time of year by following some key tips on watering.

The Peace Lily, native to tropical regions of America, is appreciated for its resilience and ability to bloom under relatively diverse conditions. However, to ensure that this plant blooms continuously in the fall, it is essential to pay special attention to its watering. During this season, the plant may experience water stress which can affect its flower production capacity.

One of the keys to keeping the Peace Lily in optimal conditions is to ensure that the substrate remains slightly moist at all times, avoiding both excess and lack of water. A common mistake is allowing the substrate to completely dry out between waterings, which can cause leaves to fall off and flowers not to develop properly. Therefore, it is recommended to water the plant when the top of the substrate is dry to the touch, but not completely desiccated.

Using room temperature water is another crucial aspect for successful watering of the Peace Lily. Cold water can cause thermal shock to the roots, which could inhibit flowering. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the water used does not contain high levels of chlorine or salts, as these substances can damage the plant. Rainwater or distilled water are ideal options for watering this species.

Watering should preferably be done during the early hours of the day or at sunset. Avoiding watering during the hours of intense sunlight can prevent rapid evaporation of water and ensure that the plant has enough time to absorb the liquid. Additionally, it is important not to leave stagnant water in the saucer under the pot, as this could lead to root rot.

Lastly, complementing watering with adequate ambient humidity is key. The Peace Lily is a tropical plant that enjoys high levels of humidity. In dry climates or during the use of heating systems that reduce air humidity, it is advisable to regularly spray the plant’s leaves with water or use a humidifier in the room where the plant is located.

By following these watering tips and additional care, gardening enthusiasts can enjoy the beauty and elegance of Peace Lily flowers throughout the fall, extending the spectacular floral display that this plant can offer.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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