Improving security and efficiency

Remote work has transformed the daily routines of over three million Spaniards, experiencing a growth of more than 350% since before 2020. This modality has not only changed the way people work but also how they live, introducing new challenges in terms of home security and efficiency. To tackle these challenges, the adoption of seven essential habits is proposed:

1. Strengthening Cybersecurity at Home: It’s vital to implement a robust security system to protect devices connected to the home network. Remote work involves handling more sensitive information at home, requiring advanced protection against cyberattacks.

2. Using Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: With the increased use of appliances, especially in the kitchen, it’s crucial to install detectors that alert to potential fires or gas leaks, providing an additional layer of safety.

3. Real-Time Security Camera Monitoring: Connected cameras allow for continuous supervision of different areas of the home, which is useful for keeping an eye on children, pets, or any suspicious activity without having to stop working.

4. Setting Up Activity Alerts: Establishing notifications for events like door openings or unusual movement helps maintain control over home security, even while immersed in work tasks.

5. Automating the Alarm System: Scheduling alarms to activate and deactivate according to home schedules optimizes protection, adapting it to daily routines without requiring manual intervention.

6. Establishing a Dedicated Workspace: Creating a specific area in the home exclusively for work helps to establish clear boundaries between work life and personal life, increasing productivity and reducing distractions.

7. Maintaining Regular Schedules: Establishing and adhering to a fixed work schedule not only improves efficiency but also helps maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life, which is crucial when working from home.

The rise of remote work has highlighted the need to adapt our homes not only to facilitate professional tasks but also to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone living in this environment. Adopting these seven habits promotes not only a safer and more efficient workspace but also contributes to improving the quality of life of remote workers and their families in Spain.

via: Decoración 2.0, decoration news in Spanish

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