Innovation and experience in building rehabilitation

To advance towards a global economy with zero carbon emissions and mitigate the negative impacts of climate change, it’s crucial to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and increase energy efficiency. The European Commission, with its ambitious “New Green Deal” strategy, has set the goal of turning Europe into the world leader in the circular economy and the first climate-neutral continent.

EUSKALAN has significantly contributed to this goal, as part of the KALAM group, adding a combined experience that includes the execution of 600,000 m² of building envelopes over its more than 35 years of history. From initial projects in so-called Comprehensive Rehabilitation Areas like San Cristóbal de Los Ángeles or Ciudad de Los Ángeles in Madrid, among others, to multiple interventions in Bilbao, Barakaldo, Portugalete, Getxo, Sestao, Erandio, Derio, Vitoria-Gasteiz, and across the Cantabrian coast, the company has amassed extensive experience in the installation of External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) and ventilated facades. These systems have proven to be highly effective in rehabilitating buildings in Bilbao and reducing their energy consumption.

In these interventions, the EUSKALAN team works on buildings constructed mostly between the 1950s and 1980s, a time when energy regulations were less stringent. Among their references, we find works in Derio, Vizcaya, for communities of neighbors in this town. In two buildings on Ganekogorta street, they installed an External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS) on the facades and carried out the updating of the roof, renewing the waterproofing and installing thermal insulation with rock wool. They also improved water evacuation by replacing gutters and modifying slopes to solve runoff problems. The facades were finished with acrylic plaster, giving the buildings a renewed appearance. Additionally, the window sills were repaired, insulated, and waterproofed.

EUSKALAN also excels in executing projects with high technical complexity due to curved geometries, as demonstrated by one of their references carried out on Manuel Iradier street in the town of Erandio. After properly preparing the facade, they installed an External Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS) and renovated various elements, such as the parapets of the terraces with lacquered aluminum and glass, improving both the functionality and aesthetics of the property.

These interventions not only generate savings thanks to the reduction in energy consumption but also increase the comfort of the homes and update their exterior appearance, resulting in a revaluation of the properties.

via: Decoración 2.0, decoration news in Spanish

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