Japanese Method for Optimizing Space in Your Closet

In today’s fast-paced world, the shortage of space in homes, especially in urban areas, presents a constant challenge for those looking to keep their belongings organized. However, an innovative Japanese technique has started to gain followers around the world thanks to its simplicity and effectiveness in optimizing closet space.

This system, known as “KonMari,” has been developed by Marie Kondo, a renowned organization expert. Her approach not only aims to effectively organize belongings, but also seeks to establish a lasting change in people’s relationship with their personal items. Unlike other organization methods, KonMari is based on the principle of surrounding oneself only with objects that spark joy.

The process starts with completely emptying the closet, allowing people to evaluate all their belongings at once. Marie Kondo suggests that each item should be taken in hand and assessed based on the happiness it brings. Items that do not generate this emotion should be thanked for their service and then discarded.

Once the items that are truly desired to be kept have been selected, it is crucial to assign them a specific place. The KonMari technique suggests a vertical folding system for clothes, which not only improves visibility and organization of the garments, but also prevents wrinkles and facilitates access to each item.

The method also recommends organizing by categories rather than by location, which means grouping similar items, such as t-shirts, pants, or underwear. This approach simplifies the search and access to necessary garments in a faster and more efficient way.

Beyond offering an organized and spacious closet, the Japanese method also promotes a change in consumption and accumulation of goods. Those who adopt this practice report not only gaining physical space in their homes, but also a sense of peace and satisfaction from owning only what they truly value and enjoy.

In summary, the KonMari method for optimizing closet space presents not only practical solutions to clutter, but also promotes a more mindful way of living focused on what truly matters. With an increasing number of followers around the world, Marie Kondo’s teachings remain relevant, inspiring people to transform their homes and lives in a harmonious and meaningful way.

Referrer: MiMub in Spanish

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