Key reasons according to Súmate Marketing why brands should start preparing now for Black Friday 2024.

As November 29 approaches, preparation for Black Friday becomes a priority for many businesses. Although there are still more than two months to go, starting the planning in advance is essential to work calmly and stay ahead of possible unforeseen events. Not all brands find benefits in participating in this event, as both economic factors and reputation can influence the decision.

A recent survey conducted in November 2023 by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) revealed that 84% of people intended to buy during Black Friday, reflecting a 9% increase from the previous year. This data shows the growing interest in taking advantage of the offers during this event.

The fierce competition in the market makes it crucial to mark November 29, 2024, the date of the next Black Friday, on the calendar of any company. This day has a significant impact on the annual balance, and preparing specific digital marketing strategies in advance is vital. Súmate Marketing, an international digital marketing agency, is once again here this year to help companies design and implement their online strategies well in advance, given the weight that Black Friday carries in the annual financial results.

Anticipatory preparation for Black Friday offers multiple benefits. Some of the recommended actions include managing logistics and inventory control to prevent stockouts, analysing competitive strategies, proper coordination of the work team, and conducting tests on digital marketing platforms and websites to detect and solve possible technical issues.

Looking towards Black Friday, digital marketing emerges as a key tool to attract new customers and retain existing ones. Launching campaigns that generate expectations and keep the brand in the consumer’s mind becomes essential.

Cristina Gómez, an expert in SEO and Content Marketing strategies of an international nature at Súmate, highlights the importance of optimizing the online store, both in graphic elements and copywriting, in the months leading up to Black Friday. She emphasizes that this work should cover the entire architecture of categories and subcategories and product listings, paying special attention to items that will be on promotion and ensuring that optimization is carried out for all languages and territories where they will be marketed.

Running early campaigns on social media and email towards the end of summer can set the stage for the promotions specific to Black Friday. Giveaways linked to gifts and remarketing and loyalty strategies are also effective in keeping the brand in memory and reconnecting with those interested in the products.

Anticipating exclusive Black Friday offers to retain previous customers is shown as a valuable strategy. Personalizing messages and optimizing audience segmentation can establish a closer relationship with each potential consumer, fostering trust and motivating future purchases.

However, not all brands should participate in Black Friday. Sectors such as luxury, or companies that would find it burdensome to implement aggressive promotions, could opt for continued digital marketing strategies focused on communicating values and competitive advantages, avoiding the price battle that characterizes this significant date.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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