Leroy Merlin reveals a trick to remove textured paint without hiring a professional.

The textured finish, a painting technique that was once popular, is now seen by many as an outdated aspect on home walls. For those looking to modernize their spaces and get rid of this finish, Leroy Merlin has introduced an unexpected trick that promises to quickly and efficiently eliminate the textured finish, eliminating the need to hire professional services.

This innovative method has generated great interest among those looking to easily and affordably update the look of their home. Leroy Merlin’s approach is based on a specific product that, when applied correctly, smooths and eliminates the rough texture of the finish. Users who have already experimented with this trick claim that the provided instructions are easy to follow, allowing anyone, with a little dedication, to achieve a smooth and modern finish.

The process begins with preparing the surface, crucial for the product to adhere optimally. Next, a special paste designed to smooth the walls is applied. One of the biggest advancements of this trick is the use of a rubber roller, ensuring a uniform application of the product, avoiding imperfections such as bubbles, common in other textured finish removal methods.

In addition to being effective, this method also stands out for its speed, as the drying time is significantly shorter compared to other alternatives. In just a few hours, the walls are ready to apply any color or style the owner prefers. This approach democratizes the textured finish removal process, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Leroy Merlin reinforces its offer by providing online tutorial videos and advisors in their stores to instruct those interested in the proper handling of the product. These solutions have been crucial for more people to take on this renovation themselves, favoring the growing trend of “do it yourself” in the decoration and home improvement field.

The technique has gained approval for its excellent quality-price ratio and the satisfaction of achieving professional results without a large investment. In a market where textured finish removal has always been seen as a task reserved for specialists, Leroy Merlin’s offer makes a significant difference, simplifying a traditionally laborious process and promoting self-sufficiency in home renovations.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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