MASPV and Fundeen Raise over 1 Million Euros to Finance Solar Energy in Mexico.

The investment platform Fundeen and MASPV, a leading group in the development of solar energy projects in Spain, have launched their second crowdfunding round to start up new photovoltaic plants.

After raising more than one million euros and with the participation of more than 300 co-investors in their last project in Spain, they are launching this new international opportunity that opens today on the Fundeen website, where the goal is to raise 1.8 million euros.

The project consists of 17 installations with a total of 1,718 kWp of solar photovoltaic generation, spread across different states in Mexico and is open to investors from anywhere in the world.

The companies explain that, thanks to crowdfunding as a tool, this type of project can be carried out, allowing citizens to actively participate in social change and take steps towards decarbonization and energy transition. “Renewable energies prevent the annual emission of 801 tons of CO2 and also offer a solid and profitable investment with an annual return of 9.5% over a period of 6.5 years with bi-monthly interest payments,” they explain from Fundeen.

Marco de Bianchi, CEO of MASPV Spain, affirms that “there are increasingly more investors interested in the company’s proposal, which is finalizing its IPO on the NASDAQ in New York. In a time of great changes and high expectations in the Spanish photovoltaic market, our positioning in the main markets of Latin America and China along with our business model focused on self-consumption for companies under the EMC contract, generate great confidence in national and foreign investors.”

From Fundeen they assure that “at Fundeen, we firmly believe that the energy transition must be a collective effort where citizens, companies, and governments work together to achieve a cleaner and more responsible future,” explains Nacho Bautista, CEO of Fundeen.

About Fundeen:
Fundeen is the co-investment financing platform leader in renewable energy project investment in Spain. Authorized by the CNMV, Fundeen is one of the first European providers of participatory financing. The platform has been awarded the BCorp seal, reserved for companies with a positive impact on society. Currently, it has more than 13,000 registered users and has already financed the construction of solar energy plants worth 7.6 million euros, thereby avoiding the emission of more than 500 million tons of CO₂ into the atmosphere.

About MASPV:
MASPV is a global player in the photovoltaic sector. The company has a highly specialized team with over 20 years of experience in engineering, development, construction, and operation of renewable energy projects. To date, the promoter has installed more than 500 MW internationally, with projects in Spain, China, Japan, Panama, Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, and Colombia. MASPV’s revolutionary proposal called EMC (Energy Management Contract) allows companies to save on their energy consumption and achieve over 50% grid independence without having to make the investment in the photovoltaic installation, ensuring low energy prices in the medium and long term.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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