Microsoft Edge and Interoperability in 2025: Towards a More Connected Browser

Microsoft Edge has enthusiastically announced its participation in the fifth edition of the Interop 2025 project, an initiative that seeks to improve interoperability on the web platform. This collaboration includes major industry players such as Apple, Google, Mozilla, and Igalia. Interoperability is a crucial aspect that ensures code written for the web works consistently for all users, regardless of the browser or device used.

Since its inception, the Interop project has been carried out annually, focusing on the needs and concerns expressed by the developer community. Over the past four years, it has addressed various bugs in browser engines that limited the adoption of key features, from CSS design to new HTML elements and web APIs.

Throughout 2024, Interop helped address significant issues in multiple areas, achieving better implementation and support for the Popover API, as well as improvements in declarative DOM, CSS nesting, and generating accessible names for page elements, which especially benefits users of assistive technology.

With the arrival of 2025, the project sets an ambitious list of topics to address, including anchor positioning in CSS, View Transitions for creating visual animations, Navigation API for managing navigation actions, and optimizations in using JSON in JavaScript modules. Additionally, efforts will continue to improve the implementation of Grid and Flexbox systems, which are essential for web design.

Over the past year, developers have expressed concerns about unresolved interoperability issues, as well as lack of transparency in selecting project focus areas. In response, Microsoft Edge has decided to launch a complementary dashboard that will track improvements in these persistent issues and increase visibility of ongoing efforts.

The developer community remains key in defining project priorities, and their contributions are considered essential to progress in web interoperability. With the goal of enhancing the web experience for all, Microsoft Edge and its partners are committed to this effort.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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