Nine Items You Should Never Put in Your Washing Machine

In the daily routine of the household, the washing machine is one of the most essential appliances, saving time and effort in the task of keeping clothes clean. However, there are certain objects and garments that should never enter this useful appliance, as they can cause serious damage to both the washing machine and the items themselves. Here we present a list of nine things that it is advisable to keep away from your washing machine.

The first category is delicate garments and bras with underwire. These pieces of clothing contain materials such as lace and silk that can get caught on other objects or damaged by the vigorous movement of the drum. The metal underwire of bras can even come loose and cause malfunctions.

Sports shoes and sneakers are another example of items that should be washed separately. Although they may seem sturdy, washing them in the washing machine can distort them and, in some cases, detach parts that could clog the internal system of the appliance.

A third element to avoid is clothing with large metal pieces, such as jackets with heavy zippers or clothing with studs. These components can scratch the inside of the washing machine and affect its long-term operation.

Small loose objects are particularly problematic; coins, keys, and other items forgotten in pockets can remain in the drum, hit the walls of the washing machine, and eventually cause blockages. Always check pockets before putting clothes in the drum.

Small rugs and mats are also not suitable for the washing machine, especially those with rubber bases. The movement of the machine can wear down and tear off the rubber, which not only ruins the mat but can also leave residue that clogs the washing machine.

Certain textiles like curtains and heavy blankets, especially if they are very bulky, are also a bad idea. Their weight in water can unbalance and overload the washing machine, which could result in costly mechanical damage.

Certain types of sports clothing, such as those specially designed to repel water, also have to stay out of the washing machine. These materials can trap too much water and be difficult to wring out, creating a conducive environment for mold.

It is also important not to forget that items stained with strong chemicals, such as gasoline or solvents, should never be washed in the machine. These products can react during the wash cycle and can cause a fire or explosion.

Finally, feather pillows are also an enemy of the washing machine. Washing can displace the feathers, causing them to clump and deform, ruining their shape and functionality. In addition, the shed feathers can clog the drain.

Keeping these nine items out of your washing machine will not only prolong the life of your appliance but also ensure that your clothes and other household items remain in good condition.

Referrer: MiMub in Spanish

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