Public ecological transition sets the basis for aid to the manufacturing of renewable equipment and storage components.

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has taken a significant step towards sustainability by publishing in the BOE the regulatory bases of the new line of aid aimed at the industrial value chain of renewable energies and storage. This program, endowed with 750 million euros from the PRTR Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan Addendum, focuses on increasing manufacturing capacity in Spain for strategic components such as solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, batteries, and electrolyzers.

The Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) will be responsible for managing the aid, which will be granted through a competitive bidding regime. Funds will be granted in the form of a grant once eligible expenses are proven and project compliance is verified. The call will open soon and aims to strengthen the country’s industrial ecosystem in renewable energies and storage, thus ensuring energy security and increasing the competitiveness of the Spanish industry.

Eligible projects cover various technological areas: electrical storage, photovoltaic solar energy, wind energy, heat pumps, and renewable hydrogen. Both the creation of new industrial establishments and the expansion of existing production capacity and the conversion of industrial lines will be eligible for these aids.

The aid intensities vary depending on the area where the investment is made: 15% for general areas, 20% for “c” areas, and 35% for “a” areas, with additional increases for small and medium-sized enterprises. The validity of these bases will extend until December 31, 2025, with the condition that projects have not started before the aid application and respect the principle of not causing significant harm to the environment.

This aid program responds to Europe’s need to reduce its technological dependence on third markets in the transition to clean and sustainable energy. Spain, with a solid industrial ecosystem in renewable energies, is positioned to strengthen its value chain and take advantage of new industrial opportunities, aligning with the objectives of the European Union and the RepowerEU Plan.

The European Commission has simplified the notification process for this program by framing it within the context of the community response to the geopolitical and energy crisis. Funding comes from the reinforcement of the PERTE Renewable Energies, Renewable Hydrogen, and Storage (PERTE ERHA), which seeks not only to deploy the energy transition but also to promote the national manufacturing of advanced technologies.

In summary, this initiative aims not only to strengthen the renewable industry in Spain but also to ensure energy security and increase the country’s competitiveness in the global energy landscape.

Referrer: MiMub in Spanish

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