Rubies, the renowned international costume and accessory company, has launched a new line of products inspired by the viral phenomenon of Skibidi Toilet, the successful YouTube series created by Boom. This range, aimed at exciting the young fans of the series, includes a standout costume: an inflatable toilet activated by a battery-powered fan, accompanied by a matching mask that captures the fun and quirky spirit of the production.
The collection is not limited to the toilet costume; it also includes a Speakerman costume, featuring a detailed jumpsuit, a half mask, and gloves, allowing fans to transform into one of the iconic humanoid characters from the series. For those who prefer a non-fan option, Rubies offers an inflatable toilet costume, thus expanding the available alternatives for children aged 7 to 14.
The release of these costumes coincides with the notable growth of the Skibidi Toilet series, which has surpassed 44.5 million subscribers and 18 billion views on its main YouTube channel. In addition, the series has managed to build an active community on Discord, with over 639,000 members, while accumulating over 65 billion views on YouTube during its first year, earning recognition as the Trend of the Year on the platform for 2023.
The phenomenon of Skibidi Toilet has transcended YouTube, becoming a true cultural phenomenon that has also generated over 23 billion views on TikTok under the hashtag #skibiditoilet. With this new release, Rubies continues to expand its range of costumes and accessories, ensuring products for every occasion, including festivities like Carnival, Halloween, and Christmas, all of which are available in various stores, toy shops, and online platforms.
Referrer: MiMub in Spanish