The Aluminum Foil Trick for Defrosting and Saving Energy

In these times when energy efficiency is more important than ever, a homemade trick with aluminum foil is gaining popularity for its ability to reduce the energy consumption of the freezer. The technique is based on the use of this simple material to facilitate the defrosting process and improve the appliance’s performance.

The method consists of lining the inside of the freezer with aluminum foil before putting back the frozen foods. The key to this technique lies in the reflective properties of aluminum foil. By reflecting the cold back into the interior of the freezer, the distribution of cold air is improved and the formation of large ice blocks on the walls of the appliance is avoided.

The ice accumulated on the walls of the freezer forces the motor to work more intensely to maintain a low temperature, which increases energy consumption. To use this technique, it is recommended to first completely defrost the compartment, removing any layers of ice. Once clean and dry, cover the surfaces with sheets of aluminum foil and place the foods back inside.

In addition to decreasing energy consumption, this trick makes future cleaning tasks easier. The ice adheres to the aluminum foil instead of the walls of the freezer, so the next defrosting will be much simpler and quicker. Just remove the foil and replace it with a new one, minimizing the effort needed to keep the freezer in optimal conditions.

Experts in household energy confirm that small changes in appliance maintenance can have a significant impact on the electricity bill. Combined with other good practices such as keeping the freezer doors tightly closed and not putting in hot foods, the use of aluminum foil emerges as an economical and effective solution to improve the efficiency of these essential household appliances.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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