The Amazing Connection: Discover how the pelvic floor affects your sexual pleasure, according to INTIMINA.

Age and pregnancy, two key moments that can influence the quality of sexual relationships. A toned pelvic floor improves the intensity of orgasms. Pain during intercourse can be caused by excessive tension in the pelvic floor muscles.

Many women have encountered difficulties in maintaining satisfying sexual relationships, especially after childbirth or after the age of 50. However, many of them are unaware that pelvic floor problems may be the cause. INTIMINA, a company that offers the first range dedicated to caring for all aspects of female intimate health, along with Dr. Margo Kwiatkowski, explains how the pelvic floor affects sexual relationships and what dysfunctions may be related.

Age and pregnancy: key moments that can influence the quality of sexual relationships. Pelvic floor muscles weaken and estrogen levels decrease with age. This weakening, along with dryness caused by low estrogen levels, can cause pain during intercourse.

Pregnancy is another factor that can also influence sexual satisfaction. During that time, ligaments relax and during childbirth, these muscles have to stretch so that the baby can safely exit. These two moments can cause significant changes in the pelvic floor, which can greatly affect the quality of sexual relationships.

“Research shows that the stronger the pelvic floor muscles are, the more intense the orgasm. During sexual intercourse and orgasm, the pelvic floor muscles contract and relax rhythmically,” says Dr. Kwiatkowski.

INTIMINA recommends doing Kegel exercises to tone and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, but always with the approval of a specialized pelvic floor physiotherapist. It is very easy to include these exercises in the routine through smart devices like KegelSmart 2, which has a simple 5-minute program guided by vibration that adapts to individual needs. Another option is the weighted exercisers Laselle, which with three different sizes and weights allow for greater freedom and customization when training the pelvic floor.

“Have you experienced pain during sexual intercourse?” This is known as dyspareunia. If you experience pain in the pelvic area, it is likely to intensify during sex. “The most common sexual dysfunction I treat is pelvic pain. These patients often have tense pelvic floor muscles. Many of these patients have a complex history that may include other health problems,” says Dr. Kwiatkowski.

About Intimina: Intimina is a Swedish brand born in 2009 that offers a range of care products for women’s gynecological health. With three different lines: Pelvic Floor Strengthening, Women’s Wellness, and Wellness for the period (Lily Cups and Lily Cups Compact), the R&D team at Intimina has managed to design products that adapt to women of all ages. Each product is created with high quality and ergonomics and has been developed under the supervision of a council of professionals (midwives and doctors) specializing in gynecology.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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