The importance of insulation in buildings – Interior decoration

The comfort inside a building depends on many factors, and most of them converge on a common solution. The insulation of a building is key to ensure optimal conditions for lodging or other uses. Citizens now have many technological tools to measure air quality and other aspects related to comfort in a home. There is more information and, therefore, a higher demand from the public, who wants the construction or renovation of their building to take insulation into account, as the results are appreciated directly and quickly.

Insulation is approached from various perspectives, as it can be acoustic (focused on sound) or thermal (temperature and humidity regulation). The importance, in both cases, is crucial for the occupants inside to have a pleasant and quality stay, as any citizen deserves.

Acting to thermally insulate a building means a better response to extreme temperatures from the outside. The result is a cooler thermal condition in summer and warmer in winter, as it prevents heat from entering or escaping, respectively, in each of the most extreme times of the year. Fiber materials of mineral and organic origin, and flexible plastics filled with gas are the main components used for this action.

Sound insulation, on the other hand, is achieved by using materials such as polyurethane or fiberglass. With this application, the entry of external noise is reduced to minimal levels, resulting in a scenario of calm and tranquility in the home. This is an essential aspect to combat stress and other mental problems, as ambient sounds from the outside go in the opposite direction. More than 40% of Europeans live in large cities, and 32% live in suburbs or small towns. From highest to lowest intensity, these areas are subject to noises that enter homes and cause discomfort for their tenants.

Economic and sustainable

Feeling more comfortable inside a home is not the only direct consequence obtained through these types of insulation. The advantages of such conditioning are also appreciated in the wallet, as the need for heating or air conditioning is reduced. Owners need fewer resources to be in optimal conditions since efforts have focused on the root of the problem, which is a very profitable investment. Therefore, less energy is used, as electrical appliances to regulate temperature are not as necessary.

In terms of sustainability, the improvements are evident. The industry has developed materials that are obtained under premises of respect for the environment and have minimal impact. The effectiveness, furthermore, is remarkable, as significant results are obtained with just one installation. A lower energy expenditure is a step towards the conservation of the planet, especially if it comes from non-renewable sources.

via: Opendeco, decoration news in Spanish

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