The Importance of Keeping Your IoT Devices Updated.

In the era of IoT (Internet of Things), comfort and connectivity are more linked than ever; however, behind this innovation, fundamental security and privacy challenges appear that cannot be overlooked. The amount of data they handle and the possibility of vulnerabilities to attacks are crucial factors that users must take into account for the protection of their information and electronic devices.

IoT is a technology in constant development and its advancement can influence our lives. Currently, it is one of the most impactful technological trends in the market. According to a study conducted by Statista, the use of devices connected with this technology is expected to significantly increase in the coming years worldwide. In addition, the relationship with home automation is undeniable, as through home IoT networks, the lighting, security, and temperature management of our homes can be automated, among many other things, thus creating smart homes.

Applications play a relevant role in managing the different IoT devices. We list some of their main functions:

– Device registration: they allow registering new devices on the network to track them.
– Monitoring: they collect data from devices in real time. This includes information about status, location, temperature, humidity, and other parameters.
– Updates and maintenance: they manage updates of IoT devices and also monitor the status of devices and alert about possible issues.
– Security and access: they implement security measures to protect devices and the data they transmit and can also control access to devices through authentication and authorization.
– Automation and rules: depending on the type of application, they can define rules and automations; for example, if the temperature exceeds a threshold, an alarm can be activated or the device’s settings adjusted.
– Energy management and efficiency: they optimize the energy usage of devices, as they can schedule on/off cycles or adjust the device’s data usage, thus helping to prolong the device’s lifespan.

In summary, these applications are the brains that allow configuring and controlling IoT devices, allowing, as mentioned, the management of the device’s security updates, a fundamental aspect. These applications are usually available for download from Google Play and Apple Store official stores and can be easily installed on any mobile device.

Not keeping IoT devices updated can lead to various risks and security problems. Below, we show some of the most significant ones:

– Vulnerabilities: if you do not update your IoT devices, they may have flaws that could be exploited by cybercriminals, such as network intrusions and exposure of personal data.
– Privacy: these devices may collect your personal data, so if they are not updated, there is a risk that this data will be exposed, compromising your privacy.
– Malware: outdated IoT devices can be more easily infected by some type of threat, and if a device is infected, it can be used to spread to other devices on the same network.
– Decreased performance: if they are not regularly updated, they may become slower over time, and as their performance worsens, errors in the execution of their functions can occur.

The updates that IoT device manufacturers release and make available to users usually address relevant aspects such as those detailed below:

– Default password update: devices sometimes come with default passwords that are widely known and easily exploitable, such as ‘1234,’ ‘admin,’ or ‘1111.’ Updates may allow changing these passwords or force users to set strong passwords.
– Encryption protocol enhancement: updates can strengthen the encryption protocols used for communication between the IoT device and other systems. This is essential to protect the confidentiality of transmitted data.
– Secure default configuration: they allow changing the device’s default configuration to make it more secure, for example, by deactivating unnecessary services or adjusting access permissions.
– Network security reinforcement: they could include improvements in network security, such as threat detection and prevention, firewalls, and filtering of malicious traffic.
– Correction of known security vulnerabilities: by addressing identified vulnerabilities, access to the device by potential attackers, data extraction, etc., is prevented.
– Authentication mechanisms strengthening: they reinforce authentication mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users have access to the device and its functions.
– Privacy and consent policy update: these may address issues related to user privacy, including how device data is collected, stored, and shared, ensuring better compliance with privacy regulations.

As we have seen, IoT devices have experienced steady growth, offering significant benefits in our daily lives, with security systems like motion sensors that you can monitor from your mobile phone for added peace of mind, and activity bracelets that collect data on your heart rate, steps, and sleep to help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Over time, we are likely to see even more applications in a wide variety of fields. While IoT devices offer many advantages, they also pose challenges related to data privacy and security, and it is essential that we understand the importance of protecting our personal information and keeping our devices updated, thus solving many vulnerabilities.

Finally, it should be noted that some IoT devices may stop receiving updates for various reasons. In such circumstances, it is recommended to consider replacing the device with one that continues to receive maintenance to ensure the privacy and security of information.

You can find more content related to this technology on our portal, in the Citizenship section. And if you still have doubts about cybersecurity, you can contact us through INCIBE’s Cybersecurity Help Line. Remember that you have the free phone number 017 at your disposal, or through the WhatsApp (900 116 117) and Telegram (@INCIBE017) platforms.

Content produced within the framework of the funds of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan of the Government of Spain, financed by the European Union (Next Generation).

via: MiMub in Spanish

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