The Prado invites young people to interact with “The Garden of Earthly Delights”

Starting from the axis of Ecology and Sustainability, CrossBorder and Basurama invite us to play “The game of Delights”, based on one of the most emblematic paintings of the Prado Museum: “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Bosch. The objective of the game is for us to reflect and discover what will be the future refuges and spaces of mutual care that we need to promote, care for, or build.

The tools used in “The Game of Delights” are Applied and Documentary Theater and Dance, which serve to build an interactive experience that asks us: how is it possible to take care of my body, that of others, and the space we inhabit? This game aims to bring out the specific stories of each participant and connect with their personal realities.

The starting square is the famous Bosch painting, which leads us through different missions, dynamics, questions, and collective challenges. These activities lead us to analyze our bodies, emotions, spatial compositions, and places represented in the artistic piece, until we reach the final square. This is a non-conventional space where participants, empowered and with knowledge acquired about ecology and sustainability, develop their critical thinking to finally create a work of art.

Deslizar is a project of PradoEducación, developed thanks to the support of the Art Explora Foundation and collaboration with the Department of Education, Universities, Science, and Spokesperson of the Community of Madrid. The proposal generates a network of work and research on educational innovation around and through art.

This shared learning project is based on cooperation among professionals in the education sector of the Museum, teachers from public educational centers, and contemporary artists. Together, they carry out a process of co-designing educational resources and tools for creation and participatory learning. These tools are adapted to the curricular and non-curricular needs of teachers and students, which are then implemented as a team. The project explores how the Museum’s collections, contemporary creation, and the digital environment can enable interdisciplinary work in schools and be part of a strategic center plan.

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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