The trick to prevent towels from coming out stiff from the washing machine and make them soft and fluffy

An innovative solution to keep towels soft and fluffy has caused a sensation among cleaning and home care experts. This method promises to end the frustration of stiff towels coming out of the washer, a common problem that affects the comfort and appearance of these essential bathroom items.

The key to this trick lies in two simple ingredients that are present in most households: white vinegar and baking soda. Used strategically during washing, these natural products can revitalize towels, restoring their original softness.

To apply this method, it is recommended to follow a few simple steps. First, during the washing cycle, half a cup of white vinegar should be added directly into the washing machine drum along with the towels. Vinegar acts as a powerful natural softener, removing detergent residues that often accumulate in the fibers and contribute to the stiffness of the towels.

Next, during the rinse cycle, half a cup of baking soda should be added. This compound, known for its deodorizing and cleaning properties, helps neutralize odors and release fibers from any dirt or detergent residue. The combination of these two steps ensures towels free of residues and with unparalleled softness.

Experts also recommend drying towels properly to ensure their fluffiness. The dryer is a valid option, although using a low-temperature cycle is preferable to avoid excessive wear on the fibers. Another effective alternative is to air dry them, taking advantage of the natural breeze to keep them fluffy.

This simple method has been enthusiastically received by both DIY enthusiasts and cleaning professionals. Not only is it an economical and accessible solution, but it also avoids the use of commercial fabric softeners, which often contain harmful chemicals for the environment and the towels themselves.

In light of the growing interest in more natural and sustainable cleaning methods, this trick is presented as an ideal alternative for those looking to keep their towels in perfect condition without resorting to synthetic products. The reactions on social media have been swift; thousands of users have shared their positive experiences, confirming the effectiveness of this simple yet effective solution to tackle the issue of stiff towels.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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