Third call for the ‘Digital Generation SMEs’ program: everything you need to know.

The third call of the ‘Digital Generation SMEs’ Program is an initiative of the Ministry for Digital Transformation and the Civil Service. This call, managed by the State Secretariat for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, the Ministry of Industry and Tourism, and the EOI Foundation, aims to improve the digital skills of the management teams and other employees of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Endowed with a budget of 50.7 million euros, the grants are framed within Component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, called “National Plan for Digital Skills”. This plan has a total endowment of 3.593 million euros and seeks to guarantee the training and digital inclusion of citizens and workers, ensuring that no one is left behind in the digital transformation process.

The ‘Digital Generation SMEs’ Program aims to boost the digital transformation of Spanish SMEs, thus improving their productivity and possibilities for growth and internationalization. The initiative offers training programs in the field of digital transformation for members of management teams and their workers, providing them with key competencies to contribute to the digitization of their companies.

These programs aim to provide key knowledge and skills to boost digital transformation, show how technology affects businesses, and reduce the gender digital gap by increasing the number of women trained in digital management of SMEs.

The grants are aimed at training entities recognized in Spain that meet certain requirements, such as being legally constituted at least three years before the publication of the call and having an establishment or branch in Spain. These entities will be responsible for imparting the training programs throughout the national territory.

The EOI Foundation manages the investment for this initiative, which in this call amounts to 50.7 million euros, coming from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. The objective is to train 39,000 people. The grants are organized in packs of 1,500 students with a maximum amount of 1,950,000 euros per pack, which corresponds to a cost of 1,300 euros for each student who completes the training.

Applications to be a Training Entity can be submitted through the EOI Foundation’s electronic headquarters until September 18, 2024.

The ‘Digital Generation SMEs’ Program complements other projects of the ‘Generation D’ initiative started in 2023, such as training and mentoring in digital transformation for SME executives and training for unemployed young people and SME workers to contribute to the digitalization process of companies.

Referrer: MiMub in Spanish

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