Transport Licita Works to Improve Energy Efficiency of GR-30 Highway in Granada

The Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility has taken a step forward in its commitment to sustainable mobility by announcing the tender for works aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the GR-30 highway in the province of Granada. This ambitious project, with a total investment of 4.3 million euros, taxes included, will be developed along a 17-kilometer stretch of the highway, from kilometer 1.3 to kilometer 19. This stretch passes through several municipalities, including Albolote, Peligros, Maracena, Pulianas, Granada, Armilla, La Zubia, and Ogíjares. The official announcement will be made soon in the Official State Gazette.

The initiative includes the installation of more than 1,300 new LED luminaires, which will replace the current sodium vapor lamps. In addition, 12 additional lighting points will be added, and 20 command centers responsible for lighting control will be updated. These innovations will not only promote a reduction in electricity consumption, thus achieving significant energy savings, but will also enhance visibility conditions on the highway. It is expected that there will be an improvement in the level and chromatic quality of the lighting, which will have a positive effect on road safety.

This project is part of the Energy Efficiency Strategy of the State Road Network and will benefit from funding provided by the European funds NextGenerationEU, within the context of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR). The intervention is a clear demonstration of the government’s commitment to promoting more sustainable mobility and the implementation of more efficient and environmentally friendly infrastructure.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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