Along our life, there are some moments in which we should say “I love you” to all those persons that are by your side and there’s not better way than by making them a DIY Project.
Some people think that we should just give presents in important days like Christmas or Saint Valentine’s day, but every day is good to say something beautiful to your loved ones, and a good way to do it is through a DIY project, something unique. Here you have a list of some beautiful DIY projects to inspire you. Hope you like them.
A present every hour
A painting full of love
I love you this much!
A card of envelopes with beautiful messages
A ballooo with a beautiful message
Your favorite moments in your walls
Your first year together
A movie pack
Prepaired dates
An adventure book
A heart full of his / her favorite things
CD album
A CD with your favorite love songs
Via: Dominio Mundial