
How to decorate a boy baby shower

For organizing a boy baby shower, you need to have a lot of time and dedication because we have to choose the place, the people we are inviting, the food, the color of the decoration and much more things. Everything must be perfect! Or at least that’s our objective, because of that, you have to think about several alternatives to decorate your party. Alternatives that fit your style and your budget.

Blue decoration

Do you like blue? Decorate a baby shower party in blue is a great idea, the most classical one for this kind of parties. You can combine it with white so that the ambience doesn’t look overloaded. You can find a great variety of different kinds of blue in decoration, fabric, paint, posters, garlands, balloons and everything you can imagine.

baby shower 1

Blue invitation

Invitations will also look fantastic in blue. For celebrating your party, first you should look for beautiful and original invitations to make the celebration more appealing to your guests. You can send the invitation by e-mail or give them in person, it’s up to you. You can also download an invitation for the internet. You can use the following one, you just have to download it and print it.

Blue candy bar

In this kind of part y you can’t forget about sweets, lollipops, cupcakes and everything you want! You can also add some salty food, but sweet one is always more important. If you can, look for blue products so that they fit the whole decoration.

The food in this color is the main point in this candy bar. You can put it in your home or wherever you are going to celebrate the party. Go to different candy shops or bakeries and you’ll find a lot of different things among where to choose. You can also prepare some things yourself, it is not difficult and I’m sure your guests will love it.

Buy some blue colorant and try to do the cake you want.

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