
Decorating with recycled wooden boxes

The perfect DIY Project for recycling and designing; today we want to tell you how to decorate every space with recycled wooden boxes. Take some inspiration and start your own project!

It is the perfect DIY Project for your bedroom that will help you being organize and at the same time it will make you have an awesome decor. Chaos is normally part of every bedroom, especially during weekends, when we have to try several styles to choose, we play music and we plan our week. Everyone hates untidy bedrooms and today you have one solution for it.

We also may want to organize the notes and books that we collected during our studies but the problem is, where to store them? What we bring here today is a DIY recycling project that can be very useful and customizable.

What do we need?

Source: Pinterest
Source: Pinterest

Recycle, paint and decorate

We just have to pain the box in our favorite color. If you can paint the boxes in different colors it is much better because organization will be easier. Once the psint is dry, we can use a stencil to put a quote, a word or a beautiful patter, that’s up to you!

Some ideas to inspire you

The simple fact of seeing a wooden box may not be enough inspiration for this project. It is true that we can do the project we have said, but there are much more things you can do with a wooden box, like the things we show you below.

Beautiful vintage tray
Source: Ecodecomobiliario
Colorful shelves for your kids


Source: Pinterest
Original DIY table
Source: Pinterest
Elegant magazine rack
Source: Pinterest
Furniture for your entrance
Source: Pinterest

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Source: Decoración 2.0

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