The term biophilia no longer defines just a trend, nor is it a new term. However, from it, a decorative style has emerged that has indeed imposed itself in current decoration. Simply because our current climate reality demands it, nature must make itself felt in the home.
Biophilia combines appeal, health, and well-being
We’ve already told you in some entries about the advantages and attractiveness of biophilic decorative design. It is based on biophilia – the connection we human beings have with flora and fauna. A connection that is not new, because it has existed from the first moment and has lasted for thousands of years.
And although humans have always sought to capture the beauty of plants in their homes, now it is more important than ever. Because we are aware not only that they contribute to more attractive decoration in our spaces. But because we already know their effects of great benefit to human health, both physically and mentally.
The wear and tear of the environment, pollution, the already devastating results of climate change force us to create healthier spaces. And without giving up, in this case, an environment that is very much to our liking. And when a decorative style like biophilic proves its great advantages and beauty, it is normal that we want to take advantage of it a lot. So much so that we might exaggerate, without it losing its enormous appeal. Creating home environments where nature prevails translates into greater environmental and human health.
Not only does our home look attractive, but it also becomes more welcoming and is perceived as healthier. Because extreme biophilia, the excessive use of plants in decoration is far from being a negative excess. On the contrary, it is a healthy addition to decorative style. Because no matter what decorative style you enjoy at home, you can always have many plants.
Advantages of extreme biophilia at home
If placing a few plants to decorate the living room and improve the air of the home has been a practice for decades. Doing it on a much larger scale, no doubt multiplies the following benefits of biophilia:
– Improved mental health
– Reduction of negative feelings of depression, anger, sadness…
– Empowerment of positive feelings such as joy, empathy, positivity
– By placing plants in your home office, in the children’s bedroom, or the area where children do their homework, you will notice greater concentration.
This is because the sight of images of nature makes us feel relaxed. A sensation of positive energy invades us, and if at a psychological level biophilia is so wonderful for our home. It is no less so in terms of the effects it has on physical health.
It is known that contact with the energy of nature protects us from cardiovascular diseases. It improves our respiratory health. It allows us to enjoy more muscular health. Rarely do natural beauty and visual appeal come together in one place, in this case, a perfect decorative style.
Adding to all this, the sustainability we achieve by creating a home decoration where biophilia is very important. Especially as you can appreciate in these images, taken to its maximum and powerful expression. With the sustainability that we bring to the home environments through sustainable design, we reduce the ecological footprint. We improve the air quality of the home. We reduce stress levels that affect us individually and collectively. And we protect nature to some extent.
Biophilia, the love for plants applied to decoration
As we have said before, biophilia is not at all a new term. And it is not a trend that you will see for a couple of years. Take note and discover more about this demand of our current life.
Biophilia or “love towards living beings” comes from the combination of the Latin words bio and philia, suggested by the renowned psychologist Erich Fromm. But it was the biologist Edward Wilson who has firmly placed in collective thought the enormous importance of human well-being derived from direct contact with nature.
A link between human beings and nature that, as we have insisted, has great beneficial effects for man and the environment. And that is very easy to implement at home. You just have to choose the plants you like the most, and you will find that there are many of them that adapt to the interior of a home. Those that placed together and in extreme biophilia, are far from looking exaggerated, because they look fantastic.
An environment in which you do not give up any details
As we have also mentioned, extreme biophilia is a way to take fuller advantage of the benefits of the biophilic decorative style. Which doesn’t look tacky or “ugly” at all, quite the opposite, plants beautify and the more the better, in every sense.
Flooding all rooms with greenery is an option that will appeal to everyone. It does not matter if you like the boho style that the coastal style, the same as something minimalist that luxurious. Because in all of them fits very well to add plants. And if you want to enjoy extreme biophilia, you will see that it looks very good.
There is an enthusiastic inclination to combine the use of plants with natural decorative elements. To give an aspect in which sustainability prevails with charm. Adorable pieces of pottery, wood, and other crafts. Cotton, linen textiles, and beautiful decorations of rattan, wicker, bamboo, and more. Is there anything that combines better with these details than nature in its highest expression? Here is when biophilia becomes an aspect of decoration that, in addition to providing health, brings beauty.
Configuring an environment of extreme biophilia, we make the most of nature and its healthy effects. Combining this with the taste for the most beautiful decoration for our home. And we can thus boast of a home where beauty is noticed at first glance, sustainability is lived day by day… and we enjoy from the entrance to the bathroom, through the kitchen and other rooms, of high doses of health and well-being.
Images: Unsplash