Pediatric Diseases: Main Reason for the use of Homeopathy, according to ANH

In Seville, the 77th World Homeopathy Congress has revealed a growing trend towards the use of homeopathic remedies to treat diseases, especially in the pediatric field. According to a report by Harris Interactive presented at the event, pediatric diseases are the main reason why parents opt for these treatments, perceiving homeopathy as a natural alternative that minimizes the unwanted side effects of other conventional medications.

The congress, which brings together over 700 health professionals from various countries, has highlighted that pediatrics, along with family medicine, are among the medical specialties with the most interest in homeopathy. In line with these observations, a study published in the International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine Research indicates that many pediatric nurses consider homeopathy a safe option for treating conditions in children.

One of the diseases that most concerns parents and is treated holistically through these methods are respiratory infections, common in children due to their still developing immune system. Dr. Guillermo Basauri, spokesperson for the National Assembly of Homeopathy (ANH), highlighted the effectiveness of homeopathic treatments in both the prevention and treatment of such infections. Study after study, like the one published in the Homeopathy magazine, suggest that these treatments can significantly reduce episodes of flu and acute respiratory infections in the pediatric population.

In addition to its use in the active treatment of diseases, homeopathy is increasingly valued for its ability to strengthen the immune system in children, especially in the autumn and winter seasons when the incidence of flu increases. Research published in the MEDISAN journal has shown that homeopathic remedies are effective in infants with common cold, providing a rapid clinical improvement without the undesirable side effects of other treatments.

In Spain, the practice is not marginal. Close to 10,000 doctors incorporate homeopathy in the treatment of respiratory diseases, reflecting a growing confidence in these remedies, especially in areas where weather conditions predispose to an increase in respiratory diseases.

Finally, the Congress revealed that more than half of parents trust homeopathy for the treatment of their children. Studies from the University Children’s Hospital Niño Jesús in Madrid show that 70% of children receiving homeopathic treatments do so under medical recommendation, trusting in their effectiveness to manage common problems such as infant colic, dental discomfort, cough, and flu. These findings have brought to light the growing acceptance of pediatric homeopathy as a valuable complement to conventional medical practices.

via: MiMub in Spanish

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