Tips for decorating modern apartments

New tips for decorating modern apartments are always useful. There are infinity of options and we’d love share some of those with you today.


Source: Mikhail Golub

Transform your apartment into a charming and modern space following just some tips. We hope you find useful these ideas for decorating your apartment.

Grey and white: an elegant combination


Source: Mikhail Golub

Grey is one of the most elegant colors par excellence. That’s why combining it with white is perfect for creating beautiful spaces. It doesn’t matter where you choose to use them, the results will be great! The kitchen, the living room, the dining room, the bathroom… you can use a grey and white combination anywhere and it will sure look good!

Among all the existing tones of grey, you can opt for darker shades of grey for spacious rooms while paler tones will be a better choice for smaller spaces. Moreover, depending on the size of the room, you can decide which color predominates (white or grey tones).



Grey and white is an elegant combination, but there are many other colors ideal for a modern apartment. Black and red is a superb combination for well-illuminated and spacious rooms. This combination can be a good idea for a kitchen or a living room.

For baby rooms, using soft and cold colors is ideal since they help creating a relaxing and comfortable environment. You can combine blue, white and even some dark details for creating a sophisticated space. For a warmer and cuter decoration, you can also combine beige and brown tones.


Source: estatesgazette

Moreover, in bedrooms in general, if you want to use dark colors such as red, you can paint one of the walls with a bright color and the rest of them with a pale one. For example, red and light grey or turquoise blue and white are great combinations for a lot of different spaces. Furthermore, you can also combine your favorite colors using different ones in the walls, the floor, the furniture and other complements.

White and stainless steel kitchen


Source: Steve Larkin

Kitchen is a space where we use to spend a lot of time, that’s why it’s important to care about its decoration. For a modern style, stainless steel is the key! You can combine it with any color you like and it will look elegant and beautiful. White and stainless steel combination is very sophisticated and modern. You can also add some colorful details in yellow, red, green, grey or any color you like for personalizing it.

Moreover, stainless steel is easy to clean. Apart from the electrical appliances, you can use it for the lamps, the cover and other elements. Another great detail that will provide your kitchen with a modern and stylish look is a separated countertop in the middle of the kitchen.

Use mirrors for an effect of spaciousness

mirror on the wall

penthouse living room

For decorating modern apartments, which are not too big, mirrors are great tools. Mirrors can make your spaces look bigger and they are a good option for keeping your small apartment decoration up to date. Mirrors can be useful for improving the lighting, by placing them in front of (or next to) windows in the darker spaces of your home. This can also work if you place them in front of a lamp. Like this, mirrors will reflect the light and create a superb reflecting system to make your spaces look bigger.

These are just some ideas for decorating with a modern and elegant style! We hope you found some of these tips and pictures inspiring!

Via decoración 2.0

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