YouTube channels about home decor you should follow

When it comes to decorating, many of us can have ideas, but when it comes to putting them into action, we struggle to know what to do. Are you one of those who finds decorating difficult? If so, how about if you know and follow these YouTube channels about decoration?

We have made a list of those that are currently trending to give you decoration ideas, practical tips, and, above all, to see what can be done in any room of the house. Take a look at all of them.

Miriam Mimesis

Miriam Mimesis is an architect and interior designer. And in the videos she posts on her Youtube channel, you will have decoration tips, home tips, ideas, and many things that you hadn’t thought of before.

In fact, she gives you the foundation, but then you can adapt it to your home and your decorating style.

Use Less

We could translate it as “Buy less, choose well.” And that’s what it’s based on, using Scandinavian style for minimalist but very glamorous decoration with surprising results.

The good thing is that it only uses what is strictly necessary, so there is always room to breathe in the decoration.

Lone Fox

It is a foreign account, yes, but it surprises us a lot with the before and after, with decorations, ideas, and elements with a second life. And this guy usually gives many tips and tricks for decorating. Yes, from the videos it seems that he has a more classic style, which he sometimes combines with the modern, but above all, he aims for a warmer, more endearing result…

Denise Cooper

Another Youtube account about decoration that you can follow is Denise Cooper’s, who comments room by room to create true “works of art.” And she usually gives a second life to furniture or creates things from scratch.

We could say that she is one of the women who knows how to redefine decoration (although she may be too modern for you).

At home with Liliana

We continue with more Youtube channels about decoration to introduce one of the most active ones, which also makes many videos with tips and ideas on themes: Christmas, Halloween…

It is one of the channels that we like the most because it is full of ideas of all kinds for decorating, some of them very original. And the best thing is that you practically see the step by step of how it was done so you can recreate it in your own home.


“This is where creativity is explored in a unusual and impressive way. Liz embarks on creative adventures full of fun, color, and ingenuity with unexpected solutions.” That’s how the creator defines this Youtube channel where you will find videos of many types, not just about decoration. It is focused mainly on more childlike or original decorations, and homemade, so it can be ideal for homes with children.

Abel de González Mil ideas

We love how he defines his own channel: “I make decoration videos to help people have a more beautiful home.” And all the videos that Abel has on his Youtube channel are designed to get the most out of the decoration you want to put. He mainly gives tips but also warns you of the mistakes that are usually made when decorating.

Idea Design

Another Youtube channel about decoration to follow is this one, more professionalized (it has a website) and although it is not Spanish, the truth is that many of the tips and tricks it offers can be applied worldwide.

The videos are not too long, but they do have a constant duration of around 10 minutes. And each of them deals with a specific topic.

Jos Decor and More Ideas

“Hi, I’m Jos and this channel arose from the need to want to share with all of you my ideas, organization tips, and decorating tricks to create cozy spaces.
You may identify with me as I live in a rented apartment and even though I can’t make infrastructure changes, I can create a space where I feel comfortable thanks to the decoration, organization, and DIY projects that I create, in an easy, practical and low-cost way.”

That’s how she presents her decoration channel and the truth is that it’s where you will find the most low-cost ideas and tips to decorate without costing you too much.

As you can see, there are many Youtube channels about decoration. If you have one that you like, you can leave it in the comments. It’s a way to see what others come up with and how to do it step by step if you like it. Would you dare to implement something you saw in your home?

Source: MiMub in Spanish

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